Fracture: Story of a Nation

Day 873, 16:42 Published in South Korea Japan by Myung Kei
Fracture: Story of a Nation

Written and Edited by Myung Kei. Seoul: 2010

All Rights Reserved (You copy me you die!)

Not in a galaxy far far away a far off corner of the erepublik realm there was a small eNation, not to big in population, not too wealthy in terms of resources, and not too vast across the globe, but it was well on its way to becoming a larger voice in the world. It contained a diverse group of people who interacted on a wide plain of variation and cooperation, there was bickering no doubt, as all nations do, but a sense of national pride and understanding united the various sections of the nation on the large issues. Everyone knew everyone, whether it was in a good way or a bad way....With the help of this unity, the eNation was able to repel various PTO threats against them and start an age of stability and economic growth that continued for several months. Ruling this society was a relatively small elite of well off V1 business owners, timeless politicians, and rising active citizens ready to take on the political scene and help serve the nation.

Within this governing class in the congress and the presidency was a section known as -the moderate politicians- or -moderates- in the political scale. These were the people that tied all the various factions together, collaborating and working with other various offshoots and radicals to keep the fledgling society on a forward moving pace and to protect the security of the nation. When there was a problem, they could work together and find a solution that could be acceptable to all parties, when there was a crisis, they could act swiftly and with full force and judgment.

It was a peaceful time, but the down-spiral would only begin from hereon-out....

Chapter 2: Storm Approaches

Not very far from our eNation, was another eNation, smaller in population and size, and similar resources, that was under attack. In this other eNation's attempt to help out an ally, it fell under attack by a very large and aggressive superpower which was not pleased with the other eNation's interference in its goals. So the other eNation fell subject to a siege and it was decided by the government that the nation would ultimately collapse and be annexed into the superpower. The ranking members of the eNation were split on what to do, some wanted to stay and fight to restore their eCountry, others wanted to leave and find a home elsewhere. This story focuses on those who went and traveled to our little eNation just days before the new Citizenship module would have locked them out.

When this immigrant group arrived in the rapidly changing eNation, there was immediate distrust and suspicion between the long serving members of the eNation, and the immigrant group. The largest discontent among the natives was from the sudden transfer of over 100 people into this small society just before the new citizenship module was in place, and other suspicions were of robbing long standing businesses of their wealth, to also trying to take over the congress of the nation in one fatal swoop. The immigrant suspicion came from the distrust of the political elite within the eNaiton, the radical natives, the differences in foreign policy, and the tendency of the population against their group at every possible turn and not understand what they had just gone through. So both sides remained cautious about the other.

And then the immigrant group voted in its first presidential election, sending the presidency away from the established governing class and to a smaller less known candidate within the election. The end result was biter and partisan, but the moderates in the country continued to strive for a compromise that would benefit the natives and the immigrant groups. Both sides listened at first, but started to ignore them.

And then the immigrant group created its own political party, ran people for congress, and gained a significant plurality within the legislature of the nation. A PTO was cried and declared by the natives of the eNation, while the immigrants said they didn't have enough people to take over the nation. Indeed they didn't, however the immigrant block became a significant force within the country and poised a platform that was much different than other political platforms of before. The Moderates continued desperately to find a solution, and one last attempt was made during next months presidential election

Chapter 3: The Flight

The next month, the immigrant group pitted its own presidential candidate against the moderate candidate in the national presidential election, and by a fairly close margin the moderate candidate one and tried to bring the same platform back into this changing political scene. Yet every move the president made was scrutinized by the immigrant faction for their loss at the ballot box, and every success was deemed as an utter failure. The president worked hard, but was plagued with a dysfunctional cabinet and a loss of activity due to real life events. Media slander was tough and cruel, immigrants attacked the president, natives viciously fired back at the immigrants, and the immigrants attacked the natives, and that is when it began in the eNaiton.

Moderates were unhappy and displeased with the way the nation was progressing in this endless down-spiral of hate, insensitivity, and disunity among their people. Realizing the writing on the wall, and that their was no foreseeable solution in sight to the terrible mess, compromising Moderates picked up their belongings, their careers, and businesses, and decided they had enough. Some of them moved in groups to different nations around the eGlobe, others decided that it was best to lay low and not be active within the scene. Even the moderate president under that term decided that nothing could be done to stop all the inconclusive compromising, and migrated to another eNation. Whatever the case, nothing would be the same again.

To replace this Moderate block of people and candidates, a new segment of the eNation's population became more represented, they were the dissatisfied natives, radical sects, and more vocal opponents to the immigrants. With this new rise in the population came more media battles and more vocal opposition to one another, more conspiracies on each side about how the other was trying to destroy the other group, and allegations of foreign factions and the help they were providing. And in the end, the Moderates became the brunt of every joke, and most whenever they raised a voice where heckled out and shouted out by both sides.

It was now Us versus Them....

Chapter 4: Fuel for the Fire

With no central voice for the community, the partisanship and gridlock in the nation spiraled out of control with no foreseeable end in sight. The natives voted as a block, and the immigrants voted as a block within the congress of representatives, whenever a procedure was violated on one side, the other side would cry bloody murder and immediate attack while the other side justified its claim. When one side didn't get its way, they whined and complained, the same proved exactly true over and over again. There remained but a few independent minds within the congress, and they were dedicated to the philosophy of the moderates.

Then an immigrant candidate won the presidency, and the natives started to attack every single thing that the immigrant president did, even if it was good as a whole. And then after 2 months of the immigrant candidate the natives were able to elect their own candidate back into office, but the candidate arrived shrouded in a mist of controversy and PTO's, and so the immigrant group returned the favor and scrutinized the native president. And the back and forth progressed and continued, attracting the attention of otherwise foreign entities who took advantage of the situation and started to campaign in their own attempts to keep, or dislodge, one group out of power from the other.

This back and forth, legend goes....even up to today, though there remain people within the eNation who are dedicated to end the bitter partisanship

Chapter 5: The Reveal

This nation exists, and it is one whom everyone is quite familiar with.

Who is this enation? One might ask?

None other than:


Moral of the Story

People need a long, hard look in the mirror here in eSK. I don't care who you think you are, what you have accomplished here, or what you plan to do, but the cross border snipping must stop. The drama over the past few days on the forums, the MPP, and other shenanigans has divided people to numerous lengths and into seperate sides. Facepunchers v.s. Goons, 798'ers v.s. Noobs, Elgrand + supporters + Alfa v.s. everyone doesn't freaking matter. The inability for anyone to stop and think before they go out and post something divisive and distasteful in the media is pathetic.

I admit it, and I will be the first: I was involved in it, and I must apologize.


I still believe in the philosophy: One Country, One People, One South Korea

....And you know what, partisanship can be a good thing, because it allows the exchange of ideals and opinions. Not all 500+ of us will agree with each other on every single boring would that be? But to have it spiral upwards without any check, any question, any stop, is beyond acceptable.

People who had nothing to do with this were attacked without empathy and without consideration, and now because of it citizens and immigrants like Smily and Jack are leaving the country because of it.

Everyone here in eSK should be ashamed with themselves to let something this dramatic escalate to such magnet proportions and have it spill over and consume every other article within the Media.

Think People, do you want to become a fractured nation?

Respectfully yours,