[Wook4CP] It's my birthday and I'll become CP if you vote for me...

Day 2,296, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

e-Birthday/CP campaign Combo…

Hello once again you lovely people...

Amazingly I’ve been here for a whole year...I know, it’s unbelievable Jeff!

I’ve had a great time in my first year, I’ve been elected eUK CP, been admitted into the finest military unit in the world, the Royal Army Dental Corps, and I’ve met a lot of fine, upstanding crazy, deviant eUKers.

Bohemond4 really does love bacon…

How I see a Wook term progressing…

In my last article I gave an overview of how I would structure most of the government. I will also have a Minister of Finance to oversee the pots of cash, but their role is mainly caretaker of the purse strings than anything else. I would like to continue the training ground loans and possibly look into the training contract loans that mwcerberus tried to get started back in his term.

Looking at the bigger picture of the new world, there’s not a lot I can say, mainly because circumstances are changing too quickly for any real plan of action to have an effect.

All I know is that there will be plenty of war to keep everyone entertained, I’m pretty sure that will occur whichever way the election goes.

What I can promise is that I will make sure I have an article out every few days to keep you all in the loop. One of the main gripes the populace have (including myself) is that they don’t know what’s going on half the time. I will release information frequently to make sure that everyone is informed.

Are you calling me a gimp? Huh? Well, are ya???

It’s a Wook giveaway…

If you’ve read this far I’m going to reward you, well some of you at any rate. Having been here for an entire year it is my privilege to announce the BIG WOOK GIVEAWAY 2014!!!

Yes, for the first 10 people who vote & comment, I will either gift them 1 gold or send it to the NHS, whichever they prefer. For the next 25 people who vote & comment I will send them 100 Q5 food (or donate it to the NHS). And for the next 100 people who might possibly end up voting and commenting I will send them 50 Q5 food (or once again donate it to the NHS if they so wish).

Admittedly this is a small bribe to get my article a few votes, but seeing as I’ve never bought votes before in my e-life AND it is my birthday, I think I’m allowed this time.

Thank you all for making this community somewhere fun to be...most of the time!


Vote for WookieO on Wednesday and make his year!

Wook’s been here for a year
Stuff will happen if you vote Wook
Vote, comment...and WIN
Oh...and vote Wook4CP