[Wook4CP] Cabinet news and an exciting new competition...

Day 2,480, 10:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

My motley crew and a new competition…

The Country President election is almost upon us and I have just a couple of things left to reveal to you.

First up...who might be running this country alongside me if you vote me in?

Chaz loves his hard hat…

vice-Country President - Rob the Bruce

Rob has been an active and vocal member of the eUK for some time now and in my opinion due a chance at a more senior role in government. Thus I have appointed him as my right hand man, my mouthpiece when I happen to be asleep or dropping the kids off at the pool, etc.

Cabinet Secretary - Sir Humphrey Appleby

A role designed for the specific attributes of our beloved Appleby, the Cabinet Secretary will keep myself and my colleagues on track - make sure we remember to brush our teeth, attend meetings and wash our hands afterwards.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Kapten Johnson

Kapten Johnson has been there, done it and got the Sirius t-shirt. He will speak to our forig brothers and sisters and make sure I’m made aware of who’s pissed off who in the alliance.

Assisting him in these brave endeavours will be:

vMoFA - Aleksandar.V Popovic

After his Prime Ministerial debut in WayneKerr’s government, I felt it was only right to give Mr Popovic a taste of Foreign Affairs. A man of the world and a forig speaker himself, Alex will fit right in to the fast paced and often confusing realm of everywhere outside of the eUK.

FA Deputy in charge of comics - Sir Rex Fleddington

Rex is a communist...but let’s not hold that against him. He’s also my vMoFA who will be publishing informative comics this month. You will often find Rex languishing on irc, coming up with brand new ways to bring down the capitalist pigs; which is why I thought I’d give him a job this month, keep him away from his weird lefty plans.

Money for nothing and chicks for free?

Ministers of Finance - Huey George & ArgoFookYourself

This double act once sold more records than Mr Blobby! During an unseasonably warm autumn back in the mid-90s, their hit “Gotta love the sound of hamsters counting money” reached the giddy heights of No.3 in the charts; whilst the album “Large girls have pets too” was a minor success in over a dozen countries, including Luxembourg. The Argo/Huey partnership has worked rather well this last month and previously too, despite some problems with the treasury going walkabout. Therefore I am pleased to announce that this pair will continue to look after our funds if I am elected.

Ministers of Defence - BrickTamland & CptChazbeard

The Ministry of Defence has been a hive of activity over the past couple of weeks and I fully expect that to continue into the new term. Brick has been part of the Defence team on numerous occasions in the past and in partnership with everyone’s second favourite Spamican, Chaz, the eUK will be in safe hands.

I asked the current MoD, FragUK, for his views on my choices for the role. He grunted, “They’re both DC in their hearts, if not in Chaz’s case, specifically in the unit as such. So yeah, they’ll do ok. They’re not complete c***s anyway.” A resounding vote of confidence from one of our biggest and best tanks.

Massacar has promised iAdrastos he’ll do more to help out…

Ministry of Home Affairs:

Congress Liaison - Massacar

Young Massacar was fortunate enough to have been a contestant on Knightmare back in 1989 and has taken the important life lessons he learned on that show into everything he does today. It was for this reason that I thought he would be a prime choice for Congress Liaison. This is a new position I have devised to give the esteemed members of Congress someone they can shout at if they have a problem with what I might be doing.

Public Relations - iAdrastos

In this media age it is vital that the government projects itself well to the masses. I shall of course be releasing my own incredibly verbose articles, waffling on about all the wonderfully exciting things that a CP has to do. However iAdrastos will be adding his own take on events, including perhaps an informal CP chat article, possibly organising a PMQs session and basically making sure the eUK is having a good time. I will leave it up to him how to run his office specifically, but I will provide funding (either from the gov coffers if there’s any going spare, or from my own pocket otherwise) if he would like to offer up prizes for something.

Minister of Education - Madelina de Melrose

And finally we come to the grandmother of the group. Madelina once appeared on stage at a John Fogerty concert and is rumoured to have been the inspiration behind the Creedence song ”Proud Madelina Mary”! She has been a quiet but important part of the eUK for a long time now including being the Chancellor of the eBrit University and a major player in keeping the NHS running smoothly. Her role in the Ministry of Education will be entirely autonomous, but I will give her all the support she may want and promote her activities to be best of my abilities.

As I stated previously, in this here article, you don’t have to be a member of my cabinet to get involved in government or this small but lovely society we have in the eUK. I’m happy for you to write an amazing article about the size of haggis farms in the Highlands of Scotland, for example, and then mark up the article with a Minister of Scottish Haggis Farming tag or [MoSHF] and I shall endorse you all the way to the Outer Hebrides.

The only way to make this game fun is to become a part of the sometimes crazy, often weird, world that is the eUK community.

And to help that community out I would like to announce my new venture:

Wook’s Watching!

There will be prizes to be won…

I will go into more detail at the start of the new term, but the upshot of this is I will be running a competition over the month, whether I win the election or not. Myself and my team of eagle eyed associates will keep an eye on you all and score individuals based not only on their fighting prowess (in all divs), but also their political work either in government, Congress or even at party level and of course also their ability to entertain - through articles, irc conversations or naked female mud wrestling.

There will be gold prizes on offer at the end of the month for the top three, financed from my own pocket, but also cash and tank awards for the weekly winners. It’s all to play for...my word, it’s exciting!


Cabinet is awesome
Wook’s Watching competition
Gold to be won

Thanks for putting up with my gibberish, as always I do appreciate any and all comments.


UK Reform Party President
Royal Whipping Boy
Hairiest Dentist