[Royal Navy] Updates from the front line.

Day 815, 10:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

Some of you may not have noticed if you're sat warm and comfortable in front of a fire in FORTRESS LONDON, but apparently the US attacked, though they needed the help of some European lowlifes as well it seems. So the UK has had free training battles for the last week and some interesting times. Phoenix is winning key battles all over the place, its a great thing to see.

So here's the question... did you see any of that action? Are you ranking up and having fun in the best community the eUK has to offer? If not then you'd better come join...
The Royal Navy

To join click here

So while the US get confused which buttons they're pushing the world doesn't stop. The Navy is working for the eUK citizens every day, now with even more companies than ever and are producing record amounts of weapons every day.
This is all possible because of an amazing command team, which has interestingly undergone some recent changes...
-- R.R. Napier, ex-CO of the Royal Navy has now been promoted to Chief of the Defence Staff, responsible for overseeing all 3 military Branches in the eUK
-- Nice Guy Eddie has been promoted to Commanding Officer, First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy
-- Tom Morgan, Commanding Officer of the Royal Marines, is now also the second in command of the Royal Navy
-- James Cartwright, Captain of the HMS Cardiff, has been promoted Commodore of Atlantic Fleet
-- And it is with great regret that I inform you that Commodore Pensive has decided to take retirement to pursue other career aspirations. We’ll miss you Pensive.

Don’t forget that The Royal Marines are in full swing and recruiting

Admiral of the Fleet Nice Guy Eddie, First Sea Lord of The Royal Navy