[MoSB] Stack badgers for victory!

Dia 3,219, 06:52 Publicado em United Kingdom Reino Unido por Ministry of Entertainment

No doubt you’ve been waiting with bated (geddit? No? OK then - “baited”) breath since the official launch of the Ministry of Stacking Badgers a few days ago. And I imagine you’ve been practicing your badger stacking technique almost continually since then.

Well the wait it is over, and I can assure you that your hours of practice will not be wasted.

Because it’s time for the first many* MoSB competitions...

Biggest and best stack wins
Our first competition is simple - build the biggest and best stack of badgers you possibly can.

But be warned! - this isn’t just about the biggest stack. The judges** will also award points for structural integrity and creative stacking. And bonus points will be on offer to anyone who manages to incorporate an insulting reference to either Sweden or the USA in their badger stack.

When you’re finished stacking, place a picture of your badger stack in the comments on this article, and then sit back and enjoy the agonising wait to find out who’s won. You may want to prepare yourself for the repercussions of wetting yourself, just in case it turns out that YOU have won. Just a friendly word of advice from someone who’s been there.

And that’s pretty much all there is to it.

Badgers mean prizes
Although most of you will probably take part in this just for the love of stacking badgers, it’s worth noting that some hefty prizes are also on offer to the top three stacks. Specifically:

First place will win 100 Q7 weapons

Second place will win 50 Q7 weapons

This place will win 25 Q7 weapons

Of course, you’ll be expected (by way of a signed affidavit) to use your Q7 bounty on any pesky Swedes or Septics*** that happen to wander past. Check out the MoD newspaper EVERY DAY for a list of recent sightings.

Terms & conditions
Err … you must be a citizen of the eUK. And the judges** decision is final. Oh, and we promise not to sell your name and address to nasty spammers. Probably.

So don’t just sit there Britain - get Photoshopping stacking! Show our puny enemies that we laugh in the face of their doubly puny attacks, and we just keep stacking all day long. Stoically. Like proper Brits.

Minister of Stacking Badgers signing off, eager with anticipation.

* where many means more than zero
** me
*** septic tank = cockney rhyming slang

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