[Art of War]The death of Unity

Day 2,049, 04:14 Published in USA USA by HeapSeppo

Mood song, for this is just the intro

From the ashes of failure we must once again be reborn, renewed.

Lately we have been occupied by enemy forces. We lost our regions and nearly lost our congress for the second time.


When I questioned how poorly they had planned this election I just got a “Are you serious?” and a ragequit. Is it really too much to ask for that they organize their elections in the face of danger? They call themself the ATO and yet they let it come to this, putting everything on one card? Since this had already happened, what did they do to proceed to secure our nation? The answer is nothing, they did not even fight until the end. They did not start any donation vote to protect the 7.2k gold that we got in the treasury even though they claimed that we could very well end up with an AFA congress.

Now we all see that this did not happen, there was no chance that it would and the only thing that happened was that we wasted a full day fighting in a battle that meant nothing.

The war - Poorly planned, poorly executed

As our President wrote in his article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-potus-operation-mulan-2-the-non-disney-sequel-2274767/1/20

Our brothers Russia got occupied by Hungary and needed help, but what we did were not to give them help, we gave TWO the perfect opportunity to wipe us. We did not need to start a war against them, we needed to help them in resistance wars. TWO is the stronger alliance when it comes to damage, which is why we need to be the mobile and overall smarter alliance to succeed. By the time that we started the war they were already wiped and Hungary had no direct wars against them and could focus on us.

The NE vote: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/128401
Russia already gone: http://prntscr.com/1cr4nu

How did we expect it to go down? Hungary, the best friends of Poland and Serbia, the countries that have been waiting for a good reason to attack us and now got one. Joined by countries such as Thailand and Montenegro we got attacked on several fronts and did not manage to even close a single front. Damage was wasted due to different priorities from the NSC. First they want all damage in texas which was a MPP that was losing badly, just to get it into eUS prime time, while the resistance war in Maine was in a great position to close with a win. So instead of closing that battle, they kept on focusing on Texas until the very last round of Maine, where they ordered everyone to fight hard to win the battle. We had to win division 1 or 2, division 3 and division 4. After an extremely tight battle we lost, but hey, we had been fighting all day in Texas and managed to get it to eUS prime time with around 50 points to Thailand, that battle got dropped and we started focusing on CoT battles instead.

This is how the NSC works now days, they spread out prios, abandoned them before the end and lose a lot of battles due to it.

ST6 early offered themselves to fight in various resistance wars with eUS mobiles to win regions back one by one, all we asked for was movement money, apparently that means that we are mercing damage to eUS.


We were only contacted once to help, and that was not really contacting us, they just pinged the #nsc channel 5 minutes before the last round after ignoring the Campaign all day and asked everyone to focus on that battle. That is what goes for communication these days.

With all of this said, it’s time for a new era in the eUS politics, an era not lead by Unity nor AFA. I am running for President and this was the first article on my road there. If you are interested in working in my cabinet to be a part of the change, PM me.

It's the Art of War
