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Do you ever feel the voice of reason, comes from madness?

First Dictator In Game!

33 hari ke 2,653, 13:49 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Arahan pertempuran Arahan pertempuran

Hello eWorld,

To everybody wanting to become the eWorlds first dictator, and get that shiny decoration, I have to break the news that you can't be the first, for, although the module is released tomorrow, and 'early access feature' has already

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Plato's View on Democracy

20 hari ke 2,647, 09:39 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Plato 380BC:

Plato 2015A😨

Time changes people 🙁

Vote, shout, endorse! XD

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20 hari ke 2,625, 12:32 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan


Please do not click on the button that Plato has shaded orange (a warning colour).

The servers may not be able to handle it.

Spread the word and help Plato save money in server repair

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[LETO HQ] Quick Reminder

34 hari ke 2,623, 11:22 Diterbitkan di Argentina Argentina Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Dear LETO,

Sorry this isn't published from our Org, I don't have access. Anyhow, this is just a quick reminder to all allied … baca lebih lanjut »

Baby Bucket Challenge V2 [Saiwun]

8 hari ke 2,617, 11:07 Diterbitkan di Argentina Argentina Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Hello everybody,

Earlier this evening, informer nominated me for the #BabyBucketChallenge V2, and so, despite Christmas having been and gone, I donated gold to 3 young(isn) players!

Thydan!!! Buy

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