Suasana buka/tutup

Write 1 article that receives comments from 25 different users

59 hari ke 2,568, 03:44 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

What's that stupid mission : write 1 article that receives comments from 25 different users !

... Is plato mad with those kind of missions?
No, he is simply busy to make

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How to be a nice president ! Important !

29 hari ke 2,358, 02:38 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Today we have elections about the president of countries.

He must to song and to have a sexy voice ! Important if you are on skype with him.

Song of a president ... La bomba ♩♪♫ Turn Up The Music!!!

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Empires : easy or not ? Sacrifice or not ?

37 hari ke 2,356, 03:42 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Since we had Air Strike, every country can be invited where it wants.
Is it a good thing from admins?
Before AS, countries who wanted to make war to another one, had to cross in several countries, make some diplomacy to pass.
A road was

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premier mai ... On se repose ... muguet ou prose ?

16 hari ke 2,353, 03:51 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Et si nous rêvions, un peu, comme lorsque nous étions insouciants ...

╔══╗ ♫
║██║ ♪♪
║ ◎♫♪♫
╚══╝ Turn Up The Music!!!Gary Jules-Mad World

N'avez-vous jamais couru dans une prairie, cheveux au

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Incredible .... A mission for each player... free game

34 hari ke 2,351, 12:25 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Every week, we have new rewards with new challenges from admins. Nice !
We are in a free game, right?
But if you come to work and train and to make your normal fights, baca lebih lanjut »