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The defacto paper of the Knighthawks Military Council.

Pres: Bree K | VP: LanyIsLost | SG: BOUD1CCA | Cr: F0rse7i | Spokesman: ronnyjnrjnr

good luck and be strong Australia

6 hari ke 2,389, 05:45 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

I wanted to say a few things while i'm on.

After leaving government I have been on the fringes looking in from time to time putting in damage where i had the resources to do so. During the reorgnisation of Hawks I applied to Knighthawks. i didn't

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Mick & Nicky & prolly Majester again oh why

9 hari ke 2,162, 05:44 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

I love you all but whhhyyy do you make it so harrd? grrrr

Majester has to run again because he always does and if he doesn't it would be wrong! hehe

Mick I stay with you 4eva. You were kind to me when i joined the game and gave me a wonderful

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So much nastiness going around Be Nice!!!!

33 hari ke 2,160, 09:12 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hey 🙂
I'm thinking to myself what is all this nasty stuff happening? Last time I was here everyone were being friendly and now Flatty is arguing with Mick and throwing mud at him. You guys used to be friends when i was around last why are you so

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Please vote for Knighthawks military party

5 hari ke 2,105, 08:48 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

hey 🙂
I'm running for congress again but my friends need your help too. good luck and kind thoughts to all of my friends in all political parties. i would like to ask all Australian citizens to put their vote for my party Knighthawks military

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11 hari ke 2,103, 10:25 Diterbitkan di Australia Australia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

hi everyone special hi to our Hawks HEYYYY
i posted in shout but i will put it here too daily order is set to Serbia in Aquitaine. Serbia is our T.W.O. faction partner so please fight for them. i wish there were closer battles but no other ones

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