Hello... It's me...

Day 3,410, 10:15 Published in Ireland Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Oh hai,

I'm still here. My plan was to leave shortly after Congress but I might not leave just yet. Winter is coming after all.

I can go on and on about I told you so. But I won't. Where eIreland is now is a direct reflection of just about everyone. I warned that we should stay aligned with eUK. This is the new world. Stop all the real world hate. They have some nice lads playing there. Now Spain wants to keep us on a permanent siesta.

We discarded MKD and now they want to keep our regions. eUS was MPP'd and they never lift a finger to help us. All situations that could have been avoided many terms ago but have just now caught up to us.

I call on everyone to stand united and do what is right for eIRE. Give us our freedom back. Give us our Congress. Give us proper allies. Stop taking and start giving!
