[The Federalist Press] Kiss Me! I'm Irish!

Day 1,578, 22:03 Published in USA USA by Molly Emma

The Federalist Press * Day 1579 * March 17, 2012

Click the pic for music! It's St. Patty's Day!! EVERYBODY'S Irish!!

Get your green beer and get yourselves ready! Lots to go over today. A new Party President! Congressional sign-ups! Factions at WAR! It's a great time to be a FED!

Congratulations to President Cromstar on his successful bid for the Federalist Throne Office! You can read more about Cromstar's plans for the Feds this month here!

The Revolution


There has been much noise being made about opposing views as to how the Federalist Party should conduct itself and how it should be run. Cromstar has made it his mandate to kick butt and take names in the Feds this month. A group or respected Federalists, led by former PP Fluffydoorman, have taken issue with this stance and have broken away from traditional Fed Leadership in favor of a movement dubbed The Revolution.

When asked about his thoughts about this rogue faction, PP Cromstar stated unequivocally that this movement would be put down. He also made it clear that, "All this 'freedom' and 'rights' and 'democracy' decreases the effectiveness of our mighty power. Therefore it mush be squashed. The Loyal Federalists know that their leaders have their best interests at heart and will stand by me. Or suffer the fate of these...Others."

A member of 'The Revolution' agreed to comment on the condition of anonymity,"We are here to stand against oppression, mediocrity, and cronyism. We will not rest until we free the Federalist members from the yoke of oppression that Cromstar has placed upon this party (or until we get a good ass-kicking). The Federalist Party is a GREAT party with a long and storied history. It is too great to wither under the boot heal of an old man and his walker. REVOLUTION!!"

You decide!

March Congressional Elections

Congressional Elections are a great time for active players! There is a nice upswing in activity and there a TONS of opportunities for every party member to get involved! Talio Extremist and his staff in the Political Office spend a great deal of time getting elections organized. Keep reading to find out how you can be a part of it all!

All aspiring Federalist Congressmen should fill out the Member Congressional Candidate Application Form!

If you are not interested in being a Congressman but would still like to help out with elections, BECOME A BLOCKER! It's easy, takes little time and any expenses are reimbursed by the party!

In order to ensure that rogue candidates and do not get into the eUS Congress, the Federalists(and every other Top5 Party) run highly organized campaigns and try to direct votes to defeat those who do the eUS harm on election day. It also helps us maximize how many excellent Fed candidates we place in Congress! Becoming a MOBILE VOTER is the most basic thing that every party member can do to assist your party!


There are always great things happening in Federalist Political Office on the Fed Forum. Stop by and leave a note or just hang out.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more of the most up to date info concerning the Federalist Party.

If YOU would like to contribute, please contact Molly Emma with your submission.

In the meantime, check out these other party members’ newspapers!
16 Shells
Vendetta Journal
Something something
Eagle Republik
Goodbye Blue Monday
Canon Cocking Chronicles

If you would like your paper listed here, please contact Molly Emma with your link!