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Time to change the Strength system?

21 1,614일 16:17 Australia에 게시 Australia 재정 사업 재정 사업

Logo under construction. 😉

I didn't intend to write an article today or this weekend. But it struck my mind once again how bad new players have it.

First … 확장 »

Tips to plato

14 1,612일 11:55 Australia에 게시 Australia 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락 사회적 상호 작용 및 오락

Please, citizen of the eWorld, stop behaving as children. Calling Plato an idiot isn't a positive contribution. What would you do if someone calls you an idiot constantly?

Plato doesn't want to listen when we are saying that eRepublik sucks or

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New company and market system, plato?

15 1,608일 09:17 Australia에 게시 Australia 재정 사업 재정 사업

So I decided to check out the Q1-Q5 weapon factories and see how long time it takes to earn your investment. One gold = 1700 currency. As long as we cannot hire employees the companies are useless.

These are the original prices and not during a

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New price list for Australia and a question to cross traders.

12 1,606일 10:30 Australia에 게시 Australia 재정 사업 재정 사업

These should be the maximum prices Plato is buying for.

As you see it has changed compared to last week's list. It means that every company you own generates less

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New deafult prices. Time to quit?

29 1,604일 14:53 Australia에 게시 Australia 재정 사업 재정 사업

We have new default prices. Raw Material costs 0.22. If you invest in one Saltpeter or Cattle it will take over 3 months to earn the 8500 currency you invested, even with 100% bonus. I call that nothing more than ridiculous.

Here is graph.

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