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12 595일 01:20 Romania에 게시 Romania

Fratilor, a innebunit lupul. De tot.

Si a dat drumul la concurs. Moldovenii au fost provocati la lupta de catre banateni, munteni si ardeleni.

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Recrutari Vanatori de Munte

17 586일 03:31 Romania에 게시 Romania

Lonely soldiers, rugged and ruthless. They are known for their stamina and fitness, they can fight in the worst conditions at full pace. When these mountaineers enter the fight, you can push the shut down button, you're screwed. They are known

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Alege cariera de soldat !

1 578일 01:55 Romania에 게시 Romania


esti in primele zile de eR?
ai level intre 5 si 16 ?
vrei sa lupti organizat ?
vrei sa te distrezi ?
vrei sa participi la Take Overs ?
te gandesti de pe acum cum va fi cand ajungi capital sau maresal ?

atunci, te asteptam pe [url=

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Vanatori de Munte - Recrutari deschise

2 575일 08:44 Romania에 게시 Romania

Articolul original apartine lui Gooffree si Cih


Lonely soldiers, rugged and ruthless. They are known for their stamina and fitness, they can fight in the worst conditions at full pace. When these

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Cafeaua de dimineata

0 574일 02:39 Romania에 게시 Romania

Lupte pt wellness aici


Intra in armata aici

Ajuta la dezvoltarea eRomaniei [url=

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