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Democratia / Democracy

5 1,088일 13:55 India에 게시 India

Ridendo castigat mores!
Ambient sonor sugerat:[url] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82tXsNt-1Y4 [/url]
Nu e doar un vis al omenirii, e un vis personal. Al fiecaruia dintre … 확장 »

Legile, cite au mai ramas

9 1,087일 07:19 India에 게시 India

Ridendo castigat mores!
Ambient sonor sugerat:[url] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlRe994oPD8 [/url]
Ps, cei din Bucuresti nu uitati sa mergeti azi la sala Palatului.
확장 »

Gata zbaterea / End of struggle

27 1,070일 04:25 India에 게시 India

English version below

Vodka si caviarul sunt consumate de catre popor prin reprezentantii sai. – sursa presupusa Lavrentiy … 확장 »

Give me lot of tiger cubs

12 1,066일 12:11 India에 게시 India

Please, consider the meaning of this word !

Also, please excuse me for not beeing able to wrotte in hindi the entire article, but I’m just learning 확장 »

Detachements and action without action

11 1,064일 00:56 India에 게시 India

Ridendo castigat mores!
Sugested sound enviroment:[url] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiTiiOSJ-6Y&feature=related [/url]
확장 »