One Little Rant and Something for the Ladies Too

Day 2,392, 10:30 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

Well let’s see, I have most of the day to kill and I thought perhaps I would effort to do another article. The problem is that I really don’t have much to rant and rave about today. After the excitement of the Presidential elections it seems to have gotten a little quiet. It was an exciting race though and here is a HUGE congratulations to Molly Emma for coming out on top, and to John Largo for making it the most entertaining race of my relatively short eLife. Do great things Molly we all know you will, and John, please consider running again in July!

It sounds like Molly and her crew are working on some big things for the eUS, let us all hope that whatever they are planning helps this country continue to grow and prosper. The DoI is running a fundraiser right now so if you have a few extra dollars sitting around please consider donating. The DoE just put out another excellent article about elections and how they work, so be sure to check that out if you are new or just need a review.

In the past I have had success in getting votes for my articles in a few different ways. Of course there is always pandering to basic animal desires by throwing in pictures of hot chicks…. Just wait, its coming in a bit but with a little something extra… Of course I have found that most eCitizens like a bowl of delicious soup, so that is on the way shortly as well. I found I can also hit a nerve by talking about the work tax so here is my only real rant for the day…


Where are we as far as that goes? I understand that we are in a state of flux right now without an alliance and all but there really isn’t a good reason to not get this thing done sooner than later. I have heard all of the arguments that we need the reserve for defense in case we get attacked. I get it, but WE HAVE THE RESERVE THAT CONGRESS ASKED FOR!!! If we need more then lets vote on that. Until our glorious leaders decide how much more we need, let us lower the tax NOW and raise it again later if that is appropriate. No one wants to cripple this country and not pay our fair share, but 10% is just too much. Eight percent still seems high to me, but it is the number I have heard thrown around and at least it would be a step in the right direction. Please folks get on it!

How about this for an idea? Here is a bribe to get all of you in congress to lower the work tax. If you will get this thing lowered I will personally pay for either Gloria…

(I feel so patriotic right now for some reason.)

Or Billy…

To come to your eHouse and deliver a big bowl of amazingly zesty…


Now that has something for everyone right? Men, ladies, soup lovers… everyone!

That is just about it except that I realized that I didn’t put in one Canadian stereotype so congrats to all of you snow loving polar bear riders on getting your country back! I’m oot!

Proud member of:
The Socialist Freedom Party
The Bear Cavalry