ATO Again?

Day 2,125, 22:01 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

I am getting so tired of this ATO, I’m betting you are as well. Every month its the same thing… vote this, vote that, move here. *Sighs*

It looks to me like this month will be no different. There is yet another ATO candidate (Enkel) with yet another list of instructions on what we should all do and where we should all go (#voting)

Same thing different month ad nauseum. *yawns*

Sometimes I just want to ignore it all. It just seems to me like everyone is getting tired of this. You can almost hear the collective sigh from the voters of the eUS. Why should I care, why should you?

Because it is important. In my opinion it is the most important thing we as voters can do. Some of us can’t give much to the eUS. But this…. this we can do. We can help our country by fighting this PTO. Every month that the AFA is in congress is another month that they allow Serbs into our country and try to wreck us from within.

There was a special edition of the WHPR published tonight with a interview I did with our current ATO candidate. As you can see from the interview, for various reasons this month is going to be rough. We were so close last month but for many reasons we didn’t quite get there. The AFA was able to get Congress seats which allowed them to pull in more enemy influence and help bolster their numbers yet again.

We need every eUS citizen to vote smart. If you are able, go to #voting in IRC to get voting instructions. It is important to wait as late in the day as possible to vote. If you are unable, than make sure to move to the American Freedom Alliance NEW and vote for Enkel.

I know you're tired of this, so am I but our country doesn’t ask much from us. If we all work together we can win this effort and have a Congress free from the threat that is the AFA.

Fighting this PTO is not the only thing you can do for your country if you wish to help.

Mazzy Cat has published this article in order to raise money to help us rid ourselves of Poland. I applaud Mazzy for taking this on and I encourage everyone to Dig Deep.

"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"