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Day 2,414, 12:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ser Fartsalot

Hello players,

It is my pleasure to announce that the next person to leave the game is...


Yes, LongShotzZ has been disqualified from the game because he failed to submit his test results.

Luckily for the rest of you, you still remain in the game! Oh and one more thing players, the Mole has a message for you:

"Hello regular players,

You will lose because your activity level is so low. I don't have to do anything to you, you're doing it yourselves. I'm confident that you're your own worst enemy. Don't try to eliminate me, try not to eliminate yourselves.

The Mole"

Furthermore, the Mole has implored me to give you a very simple task this week. Something more suitable for your intellectual skills.

In Task 3, you will be playing an easy counting game. This time, anyone not participating in the task will get a negative point on the upcoming Elimination Test.

How does this work?

1. The goal is to successfully count to 100.

2. For each correct number in the last, successful series, you will get 30GBP.

3. The same player cannot post two consecutive numbers and only one number per post is allowed.

4. Whenever someone makes a mistake (repeats the number, posts a wrong number, starts over), you have to start from scratch and you won't get money for numbers in a previous series.

5. If you successfully count to 100 and no one starts counting again or continue counting after 100, you will earn a total of 3000GBP as a group, and the Mole will get nothing. This means that if any of you start/continue counting after 100, you have to start all over again.

6. Only your last series of numbers will count and the Mole will get the rest of 3000GBP that you didn't earn.

7. You count with new posts, not with replies.

8. You're allowed to post any other comments, together with your numbers.

9. You're not allowed to delete comment(s) in a series of numbers. If you do, you have to start over.

There is a special reward as well. The player with the most posted numbers in the last, successful series will get 2 extra points on the upcoming test. The player who comes in the second place will get 1 extra point. If two players have the same, maximum number of posts, they will each get 1 point.

The Task lasts till Thursday, 19GMT (20BST, 21CET).

Good Luck,

Game Host