[UPDATE] eIrish History

Day 2,330, 13:32 Published in Ireland South Korea by An Sluagh


Thanks to a donation from Bhane, I have made an adjustment to prizes. Every entrant will receive 10 Q7 tanks!

The prizes are now as follows:

1st - 5 gold
2nd - 500cc
3rd - 25 Q7 Weapons

Entry - 10 Q7 Weapons.

So far we've only had one entry. Get writing Ireland! Tell me and everyone your favourite moment in eIrish history!


Inspired by Harrilal's niceness article campaign and with our recent success, I am proud to present the next article writing competition.

The rules are simple.
1.) Choose any eIrish event and write about the significance it had for you, for Ireland or for the world!
2.) You must use at least one hundred words. There is no maximum.
3.) Send me the link to your article by the 11th of April to enter the competition.
4.) You must be an eIrish citizen.

Ireland is a small nation but it has a powerful history. Ireland has held regions in both America and Canada, regions in the United Kingdom and Belgium and as far away as Sweden and Denmark. Now we occupy parts of Slovenia, Italy and Austria.

Ireland has been at the forefront of many alliances, we have helped shape global politics. We have seen the birth of new alliances and we have seen old ones crumble.

We've had several enemies with whom we fought to the last drop of our blood to protect our shores. Many times we won, several we lost. For months on end we were oppressed. However, we never gave up and bounced back to occupy the capital of the United Kingdom, London.

Through all our struggles we've had allies stand by our side. We've been faithful as have they. Over the years new friendships have been formed, and unfortunately others lost.

What moment in the eIrish adventure stands out most to you?

Every entrant will be entered into a draw and from that prizes will be distributed!

The prizes are as follows:
1st - 5 Gold
2nd - 500 IEP
3rd - 25 Q7 Weapons

So get writing and tell everyone of your favourite event in eIrish history. Remind the old players and educate the new ones!

An Sluagh