[The Amazing Race] Observasi Sederhana

Day 3,071, 01:11 Published in Indonesia Venezuela by McAndi VIII

Judul: The Amazing Race Season 2
Genre: Reality show
Jumlah episode: 7 episode (+ 3 mini episode + 1 special episode + 1 season finale)
Tahun: 2016

The Amazing Race kali ini berhasil mengalihkan perhatian masyarakat sipil yang tidak mempunyai banyak daya (baca: energy), modal, dan waktu (seperti saya ini), dari peperangan yang terasa sangat menjemukan akhir-akhir ini. The Amazing Race ini juga terlihat dapat menyatukan banyak perbedaan "profesional" di tengah medan tempur yang terlihat semakin stabil semakin hari (mirip-mirip reaksi kesetimbangan lah).

Bagi saya, selaku pengamat, semua episode kali ini berhasil menarik keingintahuan pembaca dan peserta ujian lomba terhadap keanekaragaman budaya negara masing-masing. Selain itu, mode permainan yang berupa "Curi atau Dicuri" ini telah menggugah dan mengasah kecepatan pikir para peserta (dan ini penting buat semuanya, terlebih buat pelajar macam saya ini). Tidak salah jika tim administrasi eRepublik secara khusus berani mencukongi dana bagi para pemenangnya.

Satu hal yang membuat saya merasa sangat terpikat in particular terhadap season ini (khusus season ini) adalah mini episode yang diujikan -- dan ini seharusnya sangat membantu para pelajar Indonesia (ya, khususnya kepada mereka, dan saya termasuk salah satu dari mereka). Saya merasa episode itu sangat mengena terhadap saya yang sebentar lagi akan menghadapi SBMPTN (sudah disinggung di artikel sebelumnya). Mengapa? Jelaslah, terlihat dari mode soalnya, seperti soal-soal UN dan tes masuk universitas Indonesia -- dan hal ini sudah dibenarkan oleh salah satu penyelenggaranya.

Untuk yang ketiga,
akan jadi sangat menantang bila ada yang bersedia mengirimkan soal-soal masuk universitas di negaranya. Sekalian tukar budaya pendidikan lah.

Title: The Amazing Race Season 2
Genre: Reality show
Numbers of episode: 7 episodes (+ 3 mini episodes + 1 special episode + 1 season finale)
Year: 2016

The Amazing Race this time managed to divert the attention of the society members that do not have much power ( rea😛 energy ), capital, and time (as mine is), from the wars that were very drab lately. The Amazing Race is also seen to unite much of "professional" differences in the middle of the battlefields that look increasingly stable everyday ( something like an equilibrium reaction is ).

For me, as an observer, all these episodes managed to attract the readers and test race participants' curiosity against the cultural diversity of each country. In addition, the game mode which was "Steal or be Stolen" had been evocative and it honed the participants' thinking speed (and this is important for everyone, especially for students like me). No wonder if the administrative team of eRepublik dared to fund prizes for the winners.

One thing that makes me feel very enamored in particular to this season (for this particular season) is the mini episodes that are tested - and these should greatly assist Indonesian students (yes, especially for them, and I am one of them). I feel those episodes hit me in the context that I'll soon face SBMPTN -- Indonesian test to enter state owned universities (already mentioned in the previous article). Why? It's clearly visible from the problems' type, it's much like the UN (Ujian Nasional -- National Test) and the problems of Indonesian universities' entrance test.

For the third,
it would be very nice if someone would give us all the challenge to solve their countries' unique test problems to enter their universities. Well, to share education culture, it is.

Disclaimer: I am so sorry for my bad English 'coz I used Google Translate much. I would also apologize that I brought education culture into consideration here.