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[UF] Congress-Referendum.

19 Giorno 2,438, 01:29 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hi good people

First of all and as I promised in my programme,here is the referendum about the immigration council and the new law. … leggi di più »

[UF]Good night.Vote left side.

7 Giorno 2,432, 04:19 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hi guys:

I'll try to be brief this time.First of all,thanks for chosing me PP of the UF,I feel honoured and pleased to be in this position.Now about congress.


As the last … leggi di più »

Capitulation of the UF

7 Giorno 2,427, 02:28 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Svago Svago

This is a song that describes the relation between our loved "president" Bruce lightinghads and his favourite party the
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[UF] PP Elections-Objectives-Miscellaneous Info.

11 Giorno 2,423, 05:03 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear UF members:

Today I feel like writting my programme and better early than never.We are currently the second party in eCanada in number of members but that good result should be also shown … leggi di più »

[yst for CP] Programme:Canada made by Canadians.

22 Giorno 2,417, 04:31 Pubblicato in Canada Canada Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Dear Citizens:

Two days left for the elections and here is my programme,it's going to be my last campaign article to respect in some … leggi di più »