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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

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Russia Sends Warplanes to Syria to Join the Fight Against ISIS

0 Giorno 2,860, 09:40 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

The Examiner has learned that a group of 4 Russian-attack aircraft have been landed in Syria as part of Moscow's efforts to support the regime of Bashar Al-Assad against the Islamic State(IS) militants.

Meanwhile, during a nearly hour-long call,

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The Examiner Remembers 9/11

0 Giorno 2,852, 18:02 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Analisi di guerra Analisi di guerra

On Tuesday September 11,2001, it was an ordinary day in NYC. People are starting a fresh start, getting ready to work and sending their kids to school. But soon, it turn from good to bad when 2 planes crashed the WTC in NYC and destroy thousands of

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#IStandwithWDBJ(Remembering the 2 Victims)

0 Giorno 2,841, 17:46 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Svago Svago

What we saw last week was terrifying and shocking. On Wednesday August 19 during the beginning of a brand new beautiful morning, Vester Flanagan shot 17 rounds of gunshots at the 2 people(Alison Parker & Adam Ward) on live TV during a interview with

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Armenia and Artsakh to Boost Cooperation in The 2 Countries Environmental Protections

1 Giorno 2,835, 17:26 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Finanza Finanza

Artsakh's Deputy Prime Minister(Artur Aghabekyan) has received the delegation from Armenia's Ministry of Nature Protection(headed by Aramayis Grigoyan). As the Examiner was informed from the NKR Government's Information & Public Relations Division

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Armenia's Declaration of Independence Turns 25 Years Old

0 Giorno 2,834, 13:54 Pubblicato in Armenia Armenia Svago Svago

Armenia's citizens have made a historic moment 25 years ago when they choose independence from the Soviet Union as the sole possible status and a very steadfast way of the country's future. Armenia's Declaration of Independence that was adopted by

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