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The Red Brothers' Alliance

7 Giorno 1,605, 16:18 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

So, just a heads up, I did absolutely nothing with this project. They asked me to publish, and I did. Nathan Brennan has done EVERYTHING relating to this project. That is all.

Ireland Version!

Click here for the [url=http://www.

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ILP Congress

13 Giorno 1,550, 19:44 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

Hey guys, this is mainly for Independent Labour Party.

Congressional Elections are 8 days away, and in order for me to attempt to accommodate whoever wants to run, it would be terrific if I got a list of who want to run. If you wish to run on

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Into the Maelstrom

9 Giorno 1,547, 19:07 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hello eIrishmen and Women!

I have decided to put an article in the whirlpool of media that occurs whenever Party President or Congress Elections come around. All of the articles are basically everyone telling everyone else why they are the best

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I'm running for congress in Cork!

8 Giorno 1,525, 13:27 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

I figured out where I am running for congress. It’s Cork. Just letting you all know in the slim hope that one of you will think… I’m going to vote for whoever THIS article says to vote for, wherever they are located. Good plan,

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My train of thoughts

9 Giorno 1,522, 18:02 Pubblicato in Ireland Ireland Svago Svago

So. I was sitting here on my couch, killing time by waiting for Dan Breen to stroke my ego by releasing my interview and reading articles. I got to thinking (dangerous pastime of mine) that I should release an article stating my intention to run for

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