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[UKPP] Final Congress Results - July 2014

4 Giorno 2,440, 03:15 Pubblicato in United Kingdom United Kingdom Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hello thar'
As you may or may not know I was placed in charge of the UKPPs electoral effort for this month as part of my General Secretary role.

When we first talked of congress we believed it was entirely possible to break 100 votes and obtain

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Dear Ludak021

18 Giorno 2,436, 17:05 Pubblicato in United Kingdom United Kingdom Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Why is your party being ATO'd?

Impaired Judgement
Your party members were supporters both electorally and morally of a player who turned out to … leggi di più »


1 Giorno 2,422, 15:48 Pubblicato in United Kingdom United Kingdom Svago Svago

Akarin Weston emerged from a tightly contested group A to face the unbeaten winner of Group B, Surferdude.

So, The £5,000 winner and UKPP title holder is Akarin Weston.


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[UKPP]Foreign Affairs Ballot

1 Giorno 2,420, 17:45 Pubblicato in United Kingdom United Kingdom Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Whilst the rest of the nation were chucking rocks around, the UKPP was having a party-wide ballot on adoption of a foreign … leggi di più »

[UKPP] PP Election

4 Giorno 2,419, 11:30 Pubblicato in United Kingdom United Kingdom Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Well its been just about one whole month of UKPP doing it 'narwhal' style and we've achieved quite a few things in that time;

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