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The Cattiest News on the Block.

[FED] Tyler for Party President!

11 Giorno 2,608, 11:11 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Last year in April I rejoined the Federalist Party. It was a huge change, and thankfully the Feds made me feel VERY welcome! I’ve grown to love this party so very much. The warmness, the inclusion, the loyalty and so many other things that each

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A P/H Caroling

17 Giorno 2,590, 18:10 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Christmas time is too valuable to waste over much screaming to vote Fed. Instead - I shall attempt to sing it to you! YAY!!! Feel free to sing along to these well known tunes. 😉 I’ll even let you know which tune it is!

Deck the Halls

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[FED] I want a Dazzling Diamond

8 Giorno 2,578, 11:44 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Hello all!

It’s that time of the month again. Party President elections! This is a wonderful time in a parties life. Leaders put themselves up to the

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Gold Buck Challenge!

21 Giorno 2,481, 09:14 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

Kitty Here!

The Ice Bucket Challenge is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone's head to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage … leggi di più »

[FED] Wooky4PP!

18 Giorno 2,458, 11:19 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Kitty here! This month I will be voting for WookyJack for Federalist Party President. Why? LOLcats. That’s why. Allow me to demonstrate!

[img]http://blog.cheezburger.com/files/2012/02/Lolcats-Are-[/img] … leggi di più »