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[SBM] The Update I would like to see

20 Giorno 3,070, 23:29 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

So can you guess what I am going say?

I'll give you a hint...

If you guessed a new training ground, you are partially correct.
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8 Giorno 2,811, 11:35 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

It has been awhile since I've written a article. Lets hope it is like riding a bicycle.
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1 Giorno 2,731, 20:49 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

It was a close race, but the Fed's have chosen BigCDizzle as the next Fed Party President. He has held the position before, I'm sure he will do just as good of a job as he did before. I would like to thank all of you that voted for me,
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[SBM4PP] FEDS4LIFE, Say Geronimo!

5 Giorno 2,727, 11:39 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

I am going to keep this somewhat short... Even though this is an election I am very much hoping to win. Instead of laying out a bunch of details for the next month of what I plan to do, I want you
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[SBM4PP] I don't want this night to end

3 Giorno 2,724, 23:58 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me last election. I’m so glad you trusted me to be your PP this past month. I believe we did a good job this
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