WHPR [Day 1,230] We Must Brave the Fire

Day 1,230, 07:36 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1.) For a Red Dawn
2.) Glove Team Report Card
3.) Fare thee well, brother!
*.) Hot Links

For a Red Dawn:

In response to the Spanish betrayal of a once-great friendship, President Glove has denounced Spain and called for the burning of Madrid in his most recent address to the nation, For a Red Dawn.

The ONE alliance, overcome by the darkness, is bent on world domination. They have sacked Croatia and are pillaging Europe.
"What can Men do against such reckless hate?"

There is only one answer:
"Ride out and meet them!"

In short, brave warriors, the world is in turmoil; it is time to rise up.

As Glove sai😛 "There is no turning back now, we must brave the fire or be reduced to ashes...this is the beginning of a long and great uprising."

Glove Team Report Card:

White House Chief of Staff Justin McCravok reviewed the challenges faced and the accomplishments achieved by the Glove Administration in a wrap-up entitled State of the Exec: End of the Road.

Among the accomplishments, he listed the following:

- Improved iNCi relations diplomatically
- Kicked Poland out of the eUSA
- Helped to stablize relations with Terra
- Initiated the popular and successful Bewbs 4 Newbs food distribution program
- Had some fun squirmishes with Indonesia
- Revved up the government's press presence
- Renovated and restarted the Synergy polls
- Enacted a new formula for militia support
- Had a dramatic increase in activity among ambassadors
- Generated numerous statistical reports on economic and political activity
- Revived Arm America
- Successfully launched the Intern program

All in all, despite vexations due to turnover, great work was done by a hard-pounding team.
To the next Administration, whoever it turns out to be: Let's keep this train rolling!

This train is bound for glory.

Fare thee well, brother!:

This will be my last WHPR for the Glove administration. I've had a great time doing this job and I hope I didn't mess things up too often or annoy too many people with my wonky sense of humor.

Here are two going-away presents I want to share as I head out the door....

The first is a dialogue from Part Two of my Autobiography. It's from the scene where I had to say good-bye to my long-lost brother, Edenim:

"We only part to meet again," Phoenix began.
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard," replied Edenim.
"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch," Phoenix continued.
"Promise me you'll never forget me. Because if I thought you would, I'd never let you go," said Edenim.
"Fare thee well, brother! And if for ever, still for ever, fare thee well," Phoenix replied, following the ancient Ostrich formula.
"Farewell, brother! A word that must be, and has been said. A sound which makes us linger. And yet - farewell!", cried Edenim.
"You and I will meet again," Phoenix recited.
"When we're least expecting it, one day in some far off place, I will recognize your face," Edenim responded.
"So I won't say goodbye, my friend. For you and I will meet again," Phoenix concluded.

The second is for all you girls and gays out there who don't relate, awesome as it is, to "Bewbs for Newbs". This one's for you:

"I hope you know CPR, cuz you take my breath away!"

LOL! Stay frosty, y'all.

xio, PQ

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- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

Good luck and good night.