WHPR 1553 - NSC & Media Dept Reports; Six-Star Fraud Alert

Day 1,553, 03:06 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1553

National Security Council Director Ralph "No Pants" Ericson analyzes battlefield strengths of American fighters.

Dateline: Monday, February 20, 2012 (Day 1553)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: NSC Director; 6-Star Fraud Alert; Media Dept Report; War Maps & Analysis

National Security Council
Interview with NSC Director Ralph "No Pants" Ericson.

What is the National Security Council, and what do you people do?
The NSC is the group of people who get together around reset and throughout the day to decide which battles are the most important to commit to.
We consider not only the priorities of the US but of our alliance TERRA and its partner alliance EDEN as well.

To get this sort of job you have to be able to evaluate priorities in terms of game mechanics and strategy, and be able to talk nicely and convincingly to the people you need to make things happen.
That is another large part of the NSC, getting so many Militia and MU COs and XOs to come together, to make sure that we all have our priorities set in a way that gives us the best chance of success.

So this is the NSC at home, setting our battle priorities for American fighters.
Does the NSC sit in on Terra and Eden strategy meetings, and if so who from the US goes to those meetings?

I go those meetings when I can. So does President Oblige and many prominent Americans such as Vanek26, HisAirness and Pfeiffer. TTi09 and Artela are involved in these groups as well, so there is always an American presence.

Are there separate Eden and Terra strategy meetings, or is that a combined effort?
There are seperate and joint meeting from time to time. It depends on the logistics of the plans.

Sounds pretty simple, the top down flow of information from Terra/Eden to the American fighters.
The meetings themselves are closed and classified, of course, but the end results are broadcast through MU Orders and published in the DoD.

Pretty much. NSC takes the plans and gets you the information you need to make them happen through calls in #eus-war and #defense and communicating with the COs and XOs of the various militia and military units.

The goal of NSC is to keep all the US fighters on the same page.
DoD is good spot to check for that. We try to make sure is published every day but occasionally SecDef Gnilraps gets captured by Spanish prostitutes and it doesn't always happen.

National Security - Six-Star Alert
Recognize the Enemy Among Us

America's Public Enemy Number One, Ajay Bruno aka General Cartman Lee has stepped up his game in his quest to deceive new and uninformed players, drawing them into his schemes of treason and personal gain.

In recent weeks, just since his reappearance after being banned from the game as a multi and a cheat (see Domestic Threat Continues), we have seen him pull two outrageous fraudulent schemes.

One gambit was for personal gain. He published a "votes and subs for rewards" type article (see Flame War!), promising the incredible (rea😛 not credible) payment of 1 Gold to every new subscriber, but as he reached the 1000 required to get a Media Mogul medal and the 5 Gold eRep reward, the article mysteriously disappeared. Claiming Admins had pulled it, he declined to provide a screenshot of the notice.
Even as Ajay was presented with screenshots of the 14-plus pages of Comments, showing the evidence of everyone who had subscribed to his yellow rag, he refused to pay off a single new subscriber as promised.

Another was to spread disinformation to allied and enemy citizens as a way to lure players to his Party, Military Unit, and his web of control. This newspaper exposed that fraudulent scheme in WHPR 1543 (see Six Star Fraud Impersonates Allied Leadership).
At that time, he represented himself as "Supreme Commander of EDEN-TERRA Unified Command and on behalf of all true eAmericans," and was rebuked by every legitimate leader of the USA as well as both TERRA and EDEN Alliances.

Now this International criminal mastermind has created an IRC channel and is promoting it as "the official, unbiased public room for eAmericans and all those from around the eWorld to congregate."

Let us be perfectly clear on this:
Ajay "General Cartman Lee" Bruno is not a representative of the US government, or of EDEN, or TERRA, or of anything but himself for his own agenda.
"EDEN-TERRA Unified Command" is a creation of his own making; declaring himself "Supreme Commander" of it is solely intended as a ruse, to give the impression of authority to anyone who will listen and believe his deception.

TheIRC room #eUSA is but another weapon in his arsenal of deceit, named so to confuse and misguide players from using #USA which is the actual official US Government room.
Its sole purpose is to advance one player, Ajay "General Cartman Lee" Bruno, at the expense of everyone including our nation herself.

Media Department Report
Your Official White House Newspapers

Press Corps Director George Armstrong Custer published Saturday, in his own newspaper, an article Reviewing Sixty Days of WHPR. Links to every WHPR published since Day 1490 are accompanied by thumbnails of the "top pics" which have become a trademark of this publication, followed by a rundown of the changes brought to the WHPR since Custer joined the Media team.
Of some interest is the tracking of subscriptions to this newspaper, which had not been done before. Below are line graphs developed to bring a visual representation of the subscription growth of both the WHPR and Pony Express over the past two months.

Click the images to see the charts full size

The Media Department also includes eNPR, Oval Office Radio, whose staff are gathering statistics and information to present soon as a report of their progress.

Maps and War Analysis
Material lifted from the late Sunday edition of Blowin' in the Wind by Levif92

Mexico: Gaining confidence from Spain's successes on the Iberian Peninsula, Mexico has decided to attempt to RW in the Valley of Mexico region.
Spain: The US needs to get its act together and get these regions back. This was a total US FAIL.

Polan😛 Poland's been kind of boring lately because they're busy working with Iran on nuclear facilities research.
Serbia: Serbia went to a wild party the other night, and they're still recovering from the hangover.

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10 Eastern, 7 Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

"While the NSC and SecDef and all our MU leaders guide us to fight smart to beat our enemies on the battlefield, another more insidious enemy grows like a flesh eating disease within our own midst. Each month a few of his puppets are elected to Congress, each of them abusing their power to grant citizenship, bringing in many dozens of enemies into our country.
It is incumbent upon all Party Presidents to thoroughly screen every player they put on the ballot, whether as a candidate or as a blocker, to be absolutely certain they are not a threat to America.
Further, it is our duty, every loyal American citizen, to know who we are voting for. Every Party has organizers who can guide us to vote for a safe candidate, or to vote where a rogue candidate has been placed to stop them from being elected."

Read more from President Oblige in his own newspaper, Savior.

Recommended Reading:

DoD Orders: American Fighting Forces, eUS Military Part I
Spotlighting the JCS Training Corps, National Guard, and Mobile Infantry.

WHPR 1552: President's Weekend Address: Friends, Allies and Alliances

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
| US Civilian MU | US Armed Forces Boot Camp | US Army | Special Forces | Ultramarines | SEAL Team 6 |
| EZ Company | Bad Company | Fraternity Shock Troops | Bear Cavalry | Pickle's Patriots | Hell Jumpers |
| eUS Training Corps | National Guard | Mobile Infantry | eUS Army | Airborne | Marine Corps |

George Armstrong Custer
White House Press Corps Director


WHPR Day 1553
NSC & Media Dept Reports; Six-Star Fraud Alert