[WO4PotUS] A Stable USA

Day 2,237, 08:10 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl

Dear America,

I know that this month there really hasn’t been much of a race for the Whitehouse, but I hope you’ll take some spend from your schedule to read one more candidacy article by me.

This is only the second campaign I have been involved in, but it was a great experience and learning curve for me. I am thankful for the questions, comments and support that some of you have given to me during this campaign. Please do remember to log in tomorrow and vote for Wild Owl.

I presented you with my ideas for continued stability for our country and you can see my platform and cabinet. I intend to work for continued stability for our country. While we’re not the power that we once were, all of us are still united by the fact that we work for the country’s well being and indirectly, for each other. Despite many people writing off this game as dead, there is still a large part of it that is alive and vibrant and I aim to restore USA’s position in it to its former glory and prestige.

I am looking forward to the voting, and I hope that you consider voting for me. One last time: Vote Wild Owl for the President of the United States.

Wild Owl