[UK MoFA] Some words about current foreign events

Day 2,288, 23:59 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Recently, a lot of things happened on the new world. Some of our allies had their own wars (or tensions) and we decided to explain what happened to them. We decided to pick 2 interesting cases : Belgium and Spain. For those who dislike long texts : a summary is available at the end.

Netherlands - Belgium

Recently, lot of events happened to one of our southern neighbors (we have natural borders via East of England and southern NL). Until last month, they got 2 regions when Poland had the 2 others (South and West NL) because they needed oil and cattle. Following couple of resistance wars on Pole’s empire : they lost their resources in Netherlands.

Red arrows = Borders - Black arrows = no border

3 weeks ago, Kordak won CP election against MaartenW. For our belgian friends, MaartenW was known as more moderated than Kordak towards eBE. eBelgian government feared to have an hostile NL gov in front of them. And it is a bit what happened.

Like CD mentioned it : we invaded Belgium to help them against the PTO threat. Poland wasn’t around eBelgium and we were their best friends at their borders. However an eNL congress member decided to launch a natural enemy law against Belgium. That law was rejected (if my memory is good : 8 YES - 9 NO) and shortly after : Kordak launched another NE against Belgium.
You could think : what is the issue because eBE wants to be wiped. Whatever by eNL or eUK ? But there is a huge difference. eBE trust in eUK when it isn’t the case about eNL. For eBE : eUK will respect their words when eNL will probably work to allow eBE to have a congress (and open again the door to potential PTOters).

Only UK was considered as friendly country who could help eBE (Germany was busy). Relations with France and NL aren’t good

When MrWonka (eBE CP) attacked SEoE and lost initiative. Our CP needed to counter-strike fast : Invade Flanders and push the button for Wallonia before Kordak was able to push the button for Wallonia (remaining border between NL and BE). Hopefully, that part of the job was possible even if NL MoFA tried to delay the end of Flanders war by putting high Combats orders for eBE (his goal was to delay end of the war and avoid UK to attack Wallonia before NL). Hopefully for eBelgium : that plan failed (remained 20 min).

South NL has borders with Flanders and Wallonia.(RED and Orange)
Belgian CP made arrow 1. Count Drakula made arrows 2 pushed for 3 before NL CP should be able to arrow 4 (remained 20 min)

The main issue between NL and BE is the relations they have towards PTO :
- eBE govt wants to keep the country wiped to avoid congress election and by this way close doors to new immigrants (and hope to see PTOters leaving the country).
- Current eNL govt showed sympathy towards PTOters and claim that they want fun (understand attack Belgium)and for them, eBE govt is using PTO threat to keep power.
You easily understand : Relations between these 2 countries are difficult. A Good part of eBE population is very hostile towards eNL. On the other side : Some influential NL players don’t understand how NL govt is reacting.

Following these last moves : Germark (alliance between Germany and Denmark) decided to pick NL as natural enemy. After a first try (fail on each side). Germark proposed it again when NL refused to enter in war. Currently, Germany attacked Eastern NL and is on good way to gain the region.

Spain - Romania

You probably saw that Spain was attacked by several countries (France, Portugal …) and received an airstrike from Romania. These last ones easily won campaigns against Spain. Why ? Following the last Admin contest : Romania gained a determination bonus (when they defend but also when they attack too). It was a 2X determination bonus and it means that when a Romanian who is doing 50.000 damages per hit : it was counted as 100.000 damages.

On the same time : Spain didn’t had that kind of bonus. No need to hide that the best choice was to find an escape (to have a congress) and wait 10 days to see that kind of bonus over.

When Romania arrived.
Countries on the same side are friends. Countries on different sides are enemies (Spain is friend with USA but dislike other countries. Romania has good relations with Serbia, France and Portugal but dislike USA and Spain)

It was what Spain made. Canada was their target and Spain caught several of their regions. When the bonus ended : Spain made a counter-strike and they are trying to have back all their core regions. Currently, Spain has 11 regions. 7 of them are located in Canada and they have 4 of their original regions.

2 Weeks later : Spain lost almost all their cores (only Catalonia remains)

On the other side of the Atlantic

These last days : Mexico decided to pick Romania as Natural enemy. On this moment : they are attacking Andalusia after winning Canary Island. That region is quite important : it is one of the bridges between Europe and America (here mainly Latin America).

Red arrows = Mexican attacks. Spain gained back some core and kept some Canadian regions
Romania is losing Spanish regions (they don’t have Determination bonus)

Meanwhile, Romania is also attacked by Bulgaria. Before launching an airstrike to Spain, Romania was able to wipe Bulgaria but with many front to manage (Bulgaria - Spain - Mexico) and also Resistance wars. Romania could lose several of their regions.

Except Varna, Bulgaria has all their cores and Romania just lost one of their cores (Muntenia)

Last thing : Romania doesn’t have a road between their core regions and Spain. Their resources are no use for them but they receive a part of Spanish taxes (it was around 11k and currently, it is more 8.5k per day). More Spain has back their regions, less taxes (from Spain) Romania receives.

TL😉R version

Belgium - Netherlands
- NL elected a CP who was seen as hostile towards eBE
- UK invaded eBE to avoid a congress in Belgium (no congress = nobody can receive citizenship)
- NL decided to attack eBE for fun (but feared a collaboration between NL and eBE PTOters)
- UK caught Flanders and attacked Wallonia before NL was able to attack Wallonia
- NL is now fighting against Germany

Spain - Romania
- Spain was at war with Portugal
- Romania arrived via an airstrike and also determination bonus (50.000 dmg was considered as 100.000)
- Spain lost all their cores regions (except Catalonia) but escaped to Canada
- France attacked Spain to annoy them (and move French capital)
- Spain waited that Romania lost that bonus
- Spain made a counterstrike and begin to have back their core regions
- Mexico attacked Romania. They gained Canary Islands and are attacking Andalousia
- Romania is attacked on their core regions : Bulgaria is back on the map and gained a Romanian core region

Thank you for reading it, and we hope that you find it interesting.

The UK MoFA Team
Mittekemuis & Kravenn - MoFA
N W G & Sepherem00 - dMoFA