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Periódico Oficial de la Secretaría de Aviación de los Estados Unidos eMexicanos

Weekly Update

2 Hari ke 508, 17:24 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

So, here we go again: La Armada de Mexico's sheet

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Weekly Update

3 Hari ke 497, 20:29 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

So, here we go again:

To officially join La Armada, fill out that sheet. Your CO will be in contact. We are still issuing orders to fight

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Congressional Elections and Treaty Explanations

10 Hari ke 491, 22:07 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

As transparency is required on Government action, we are more than happy to explain why the Treaty was negotiated as it was, and for what reasons. It's a good deal for both sides, and personally I'm happy with the end result, as should be everyone

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Updates - Pre Election

0 Hari ke 490, 18:58 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

Election Updates

Candidates set. Voters ready. Tomorrow it begins. Here's the list of candidates that are eMexican. Everyone else is a money grabbing, slow thinking, takeover pirate, and should not get any votes.

[url]http://www.[/url] … lebih lanjut »

Los Salvadores Ya Estan!

2 Hari ke 486, 19:41 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

We now have enough soldiers to start building another unit. So I introduce Los Salvadores.

Como los Santos.

Los Salvadores will be a regular Army Unit, and have a new Comandante hopefully by tomorrow. I have someone in mind, who is both

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