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Weekly Challenge

10 Hari ke 2,163, 02:42 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Seit heute läuft wieder eine neue Herausforderung.

Kurze Zusammenfassung:
Mit jedem Schuss bekommt ihr einen Prestigepunkt, d.h. bei einem Gegner der nach 3 Schüssen erledigt ist

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[Spy Game S2] Post Mission Briefing

2 Hari ke 2,153, 02:53 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Here is the list of the start fees I´ve collected

Prince of Austria 28CC
Gullberg _______20CC
yst31 __________70CC
KrennyX _______99CC
Anders Danielson 80CC
Ibini Hobia _____20CC
+Save House
Anders Danielson 20CC
Gullberg _______20CC

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[Spy Game S2] HQ Report (Update 2)

2 Hari ke 2,150, 00:25 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

All spies have got their informations and the game has started.
There are still less than 10 spies around. Don´t forget the ceasefire till eRep 12:00.
Good Hunting to all spies.

yst31 opened in Burgenland a letter with an explosive surprise. He

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[Spy Game S2] The Janus-List Season2

4 Hari ke 2,147, 10:54 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

As previously announced, there is a second Edition of the Spy Game. There are a few small changes in the rules and I'll try not to make too close together the updates, but you can believe me that I'm, as head of the HQ, as curious what comes

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[Spy Game] HQ Post Mission Briefing

3 Hari ke 2,144, 05:20 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Here is the list of the start fees I´ve collected

Prince of Austria 50CC
Gullberg 30CC
cehansen 100CC
KrennyX 20CC
Anders Danielson 60CC
Bane999 30CC
+wschwabe 100CC
= 390CC

Anders Danielson has been killed by a

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