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(terlalu)SINGKAT! (kurang)PADAT! (ga)JELAS!! Itulah Moon Tree! Problem?

Freeport Dimana-Mana

7 Hari ke 2,187, 06:44 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Indonesia now is just like Freeport (PT)......
Why? Because a new event will make our regions become a "playground". Some kids take gold and go home.......

Now Playing: Ylvis - What Does The eFox Say?

[img]http://i1163.[/img] … lebih lanjut »

HBD RL somad1 aka Brach_Movic!!!!

35 Hari ke 2,109, 08:35 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Happy birthday.......MAHO.........

Happy birthday.......MAHO.........

Happy birthday.......Happy Birthday........

Happy birthday.......


/me kabur

Curhat dikit ah, sdr. somad1 aka GilaBoys aka … lebih lanjut »

[IPDN] Artikel Pengunduran Diri

9 Hari ke 2,086, 07:02 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Selamat malam

"The pain of being alone is like no other. Why me? Why am I always the one that's different? The look of people's eyes like some kind of monster. But one day they'll acknowledge me. I will keep fighting,

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[TIMNAS] Fuck His Life

7 Hari ke 2,073, 03:46 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

[img]http://i1163.[/img] … lebih lanjut »

e[IRANvINDO] "Dialog Kurnia Meiga"

11 Hari ke 2,071, 04:42 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia Perintah perang Perintah perang

[img][/img] … lebih lanjut »