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In Every Article there is a Trolling Subriminal Message :) / En cada Articulo, hay un Mensage Subriminal Trolleador :)

I am tired of this, I am leaving [Slovenians plz read this]

15 Hari ke 1,630, 23:01 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

PTO, PTO everywhere

No Music Today

Well, I am tired of this Fight between Austrians and Hungarians

Austrians: Invite more people from Austria and with this you will destroy the … lebih lanjut »

About the kuruc stuff and the eCivil war on Austria

19 Hari ke 1,623, 01:35 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Imperialism, Imperialism everywhere!!!


Well, for being Honest, I don't know why this little Group is in our little … lebih lanjut »

Mensaje para los Mexicanos

11 Hari ke 1,602, 00:57 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan


NOTE: This is a message to my Mexican Brothers who are under a Colombian-Croatian Occupation.

Actualmente, nuestro país esta bajo el … lebih lanjut »

Why all you [The world] are being scared about Turkey?

10 Hari ke 1,591, 01:27 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Food is Food :B


When I log on for do my Every Day Stuff in the Companies, I noted some feeds from my friends from Mexico, Bulgaria and … lebih lanjut »

[Yhamilitz] I will became a Ghost Player

6 Hari ke 1,569, 20:47 Diterbitkan di Austria Austria Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

This is what a Ghost Player looks like


I had took an definitely Decision. I will became a Ghost Player.

I will do … lebih lanjut »