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Heavy metal rules the world...someday so will India : )


eIndia's Counter Offer to eIran

41 Hari ke 756, 10:10 Diterbitkan di India India

Greetings to all,

eIndia declared war against eIran a few days ago. this was brought on and orchestrated by MAFIA and their repeated attempts to PTO our elections, PP, President and congress. Despite this, we continued talks with the most

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Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali - Welcome the Gorkha Rifles :)

22 Hari ke 755, 10:48 Diterbitkan di India India

Dear citizens,

And now its time to introduce you to the soldiers of our brave second regiment - the Gorkha Rifles.

Famous the world over for their bravery and tenacity, the Gorkha Rifles have often been the elite troops of the armies they

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Ki Ki So So Lhargyalo ... and the Gods Triumphed :)

28 Hari ke 754, 16:49 Diterbitkan di India India

It is with great pride that I serve the Ladakh Scouts today with some of the highest ranked eIndian soldiers by my side.(Musketeer please take a bow!) 🙂

The war cry "Ki Ki So So Lhargyalo" is our clarion call and

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46 Hari ke 750, 23:57 Diterbitkan di India India

Dear citizens,

Yesterday's battle was awesome for many reasons.

A lot of eIndians forgot their differences and fought shoulder to shoulder.
A lot of previously inactive citizens picked up their arms and came when the nation called them.

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[india] Official Indian position on Iranian War

29 Hari ke 749, 07:35 Diterbitkan di India India

My dear Indian brothersa,

As Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to clarify our position with regards to the war declaration against Iran.

1. We planned this war 3 days prior to the declaration and this has nothing to do with

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