Vargask and Moo a great team

Day 776, 10:37 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

When you think of the person behind the person, who do think of?
Bill Clinton and then his Vice, Al gore?
De Valera and his Taniste(vice) Sean Lemass?
Or even Emm George Bush and his Vice Dick Cheney???...maybe not.
This an article to announce another potential great person to that list>>>
MooMoohead and his second Vargask.
And now a few Words from Vargask...
I'm honoured that Moo chose me over a good deal of other candidates, while relatively inexperienced, I believe if soemone has the qualities to do a job, the experience will come and I thank Moo again for seeing these qualities in me. I've learned a great deal of craft in my past and present term serving the Proud people of the Northeast (I look out for all of them!), Now I'm preparing to serve Ireland on the National and international stage.
We've set lofty goals concerning the economy,
I can't promise miracles,
But I say to you the citizens of Ireland,
If we aim for the heavens we can but fall on the stars,
and that's not such a bad place to be.
Also see these articles
-MooMooheads Presidential manifesto
-Dylans endorsement of Moomoohead for president