TNDP - Names list

Day 1,731, 13:16 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Cluster Storms

Assalam-o-Alykum !
Dear citizens of ePakistan!

I am very sad to see the activity of ePakistani citizens. Hardly, 14 citizens tried to fill this form. 😞

Many people facing problem, while filling form like not submitting, keep getting an error etc. OK, this is an issue with this form but why most of you thinking that it is too long? :? We need all these things from you guys which required in the form. In other way, you can give suggestion how to solve this issue. But, no one bothered. Anyway, FYI, I am not doing all this stuff for myself. It's for you guys and for the prosperity of The Holy Empire of ePakistan. If you think, this is holly crap thing and nothing worth it. Don't do it. OK. I will not call you again for this matter.

Here are the names of citizens who filled this too long and crap form. Why they filled it, I don't know. I think, they have something in their mind. Forget it.
I will add people names gradually with them for new entry.

Day 1,730 of the New World (8-15-2012)

TheJakal - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to TheJakal.

Day 1,731 of the New World (8-16-2012)
Ahmad Azfaar - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Ahmad Azfaar.
aovelhanegra - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to aovelhanegra.
Abuzar Aslam5 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Abuzar Aslam5.
Annihilator10 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Annihilator10.
zafthfirst - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to zafthfirst.
mylan - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Mylan.
Noshal - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Noshal.
v3nG3 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to v3nG3R.
Arfan-Khan - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Arfan-Khan.
Haseeb Zahid - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Haseeb Zahid.
vrsoldiers - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to vrsoldiers.
Saif Ali Khan - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Saif Ali Khan.
Flashgun - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Flashgun.

Day 1,732 of the New World (8-17-2012)
Ariovistus - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Ariovistus.
Hammad Javed - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Hammad Javed.
Redphienix - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Redphienix.
Mohammad Bilal - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Mohammad Bilal.
Ishamael Naeblis - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Ishamael Naeblis.
Jugg3rnaut - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Jugg3rnaut.
Ahsan Shahbaz - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Ahsan Shahbaz.
Jazy28 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Jazy28.
Haider Syed - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Haider Syed.
Scorpion King - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Scorpion King.
RainerMake - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to RainerMake.
Osman Hameed - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Osman Hameed.
pak60 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to pak60.
Muz97 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Muz97.

Day 1,733 of the New World (8-18-2012)
faris is back - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to faris is back.
hassanjalil7 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to hassanjalil7.
Muhammad Noman - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to Muhammad Noman.

Day 1,734 of the New World (8-19-2012)
ComplexVariable - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to ComplexVariable.

Day 1,735 of the New World (8-20-2012)
ms9988 - Successfully transferred 2 item(s) to ms9988.


On Day 1,737 of the New World (8-22-2012), TNDP is Closed in this term. Due to no response from all of the players of The Holy Empire of ePakistan.
I thanks for all of the players, who spent their precious time in filling crap thing. Thank you, once again.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Best Regards,

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