The Fat Bastard: Week of Day 1700

Day 1,702, 17:46 Published in USA Republic of China (Taiwan) by Lord Dark Helmet

Congratulations to Emperor Rick on winning the PP election in a close contest. He is already busy putting forward some key points in his platform.

Spiffy123 was elected to the post of Member Representative. Members can contact him at any time to discuss the direction of party leadership or any other issues that may arise.

Congressional runs are being set up now! Please sign up here if you are interested in running. Also mobile voter registration is here! Please commit to voting for a Bastard by signing up here.

Also an important poll is being taken of members. All members are invited to chime in on the direction of the party here.

The Bastards keep growing in number. Join us and see why the Bastards have the BoLs to do it better.

The Bastards have 1 member in Congress this term.

Lord Dark Helmet, representing the state of Baja. There have been several critical votes in the past week.
--Voted "No" of the impeachment of the Speaker of the House. The reasoning behind this vote is available here. The motion failed.
--Voted "No" on the Canada NE proposal. This is a move that will likely result in a complete shift in our foreign policy and cause us to ally with countries that were our enemies and cause us to fight against our friends. The motion passed by 1 vote.
--Voted "Yes" on authorizing the censure of Congressmen who scam for citizenship requests. This is simply a matter of integrity.

The SoL has upgraded to Q6 weapons! Get your hands on them by joining the commune. Additionally, supply has increased.

Please continue to donate gold to help future infrastructure improvements. You can donate by sending gold to Deriachai.

The SoL is always looking for new members. To join the commune or for general questions, contact Deriachai.

Some hot topics around the forums:
--Discussing the latest developments in the Canada situation.
--The new embassy forum project.
--We discuss the recent proposed (failed) CTRL alliance as well.
--The Pickles get a makeover--and a new name.

ASAP -- Sign up for Congress and Mobile Voting

NEXT WEDNESDAY (25th)-- Congress Elections

To get your articles listed here, make sure you respond in this thread on the forum. Please vote and subscribe!

The Arizona Republic: The eCivil War has begun

Government News: Sorry the name isn't helpful, stupid game won't cooperate!

We have a winner! By 2 votes!

The octopus loving wing of the party get some love here. Submit your nominations here! And remember to cast your vote at the end of the week!