Response to 5n4keys article

Day 773, 19:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean Power
Originally a comment but I feel it's of sufficient length to merit an article of its own....

A response to this article

That's contracts between states need to be signed by all TDs however constitutions do have a major impact on erep (alliances also aren't recognised by admins and who would deny their influence on the game!) but that's a discussion for another day and away from this brilliantly subtle piece of propaganda by an e😜arty president of the IFP and ex-country presidency candidate for the IFP...ya know... the party that a certain candidate who's spoken of most favourably in this article is from!

If this was a party president election then Moo would be my man.

I fear, and it seems from his article that he views it as a positive, that if he is elected his cabinet will be chosen through the eyes of a someone fiercely loyal to his party and coalition partners.

I'm not that e-old but I remember what happens when people who try so hard to work and get a place in government are disregarded on a basis so crude as which party they belong to. He's blatently promoting being unfair in cabinet choices and disregarding meritous applicants if they are not coalition party members.

Moo seems to be reembracing deeply partisan politics which were all the rage when eIreland was a place solely for political roleplaying, to the neglect of the game mechanics and our military. But that is not the case anymore thanks to a vibrant IDF and a change in attitudes.

A President who openly states in his article that it doesn't matter how hard you're willing to work so long as you're in the "right" party will cause 100s of citizens of other political parties in Ireland to feel isolated from the political process and disconnected from the very person who is supposed to inspire and lead the country to greatness.

From such injustice will spring a hostile environment which will be detrimental to eIreland participating on the international scene and increase a miopic and self obsessed view of erepublik for many of those resident here. Again this weakens our ability to participate fruitfully in real war, should that occur in the future of eIreland.

I hope Moo you change that single policy.... coz for all those that feel they've deserved a position under the present merit system and been hard done... there are plently more who can attest to their hard work being noticed and their responsibility and status increasing when they've set aside party lines and focused on the job at hand.

Well done to you if you read the whole rant.... I don't mean any offense... just feel strongly about people being denied the ability to serve their country based purely on party politics..... I thought we'd moved on from that period of our history......nitey nite