Who does 5n4keyes Support?

Day 773, 18:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

No doubt you will see alot of articles in the next few days about whos supporting who, and why, and how each candidate fails, and the person they are backing doesnt, but hey, its all fun and games!

Firstly lets look at what Ireland needs in a President, Communication, We like to know our president is atleast partially alive and well, poor communication, leads to poor ministrys, etc... We dont like that. We need clear, simple, and easy to understand economic ideas, not ideas that will make the country rich, but ideas that will bring money back into Irish owned companys, and more importantly, Irish workers! and finally, we need a president that thinks outside of the box, and is willing to go the extra mile!

So lets look back a little, Appleman, President for 1 term, during this term has made, 7 articles, only 4 of which have been Presidential updates. Inside these articles, theres nothing that really stands out as, what Appleman did... Sadly not enough voice. We couldnt have an article without bringing up the wonderful new feature, Goals! yay. First one being, keeping control of what we have, realistically, we arent going to be loosing our home in a hurry, so a pretty simple goal, equally, we cant really pick holes in the Population, sadly this month nothing has been done to keep the current citizens, and lastly, the GDP. Some will argue that this goal is broken, messed up, however, Economically, Ireland is on a knifes edge, this hasnt been helped by Appleman printing 80,000IEP at the cost of 400Gold, yes this made us a profit, but at what cost? It pushed alot of currency into non Irish hands, which is now being used to fund non irish owned companys out of the market!

Onwards to Jan 2010 Elections!


Appleman - Is a candidate, has put forward nothing to go into the next elections with, based on this month gone, performance wise... not so good.

Edana Savage - Honestly, I really cant work out if I like her, or hate her, I guess to some, shes alot like marmite, However, this being said she has made quite a few articles in the past month, and hasnt really caused any problems with comments to others articles, so I guess this does add a tick to the communication box. Problem tho, other than wanting to change the Constitution, something that we have NEVER offically gotten approval from the admin on, which means in the 2 years its taken to make, and submit mutiple times, is just a peice of text, theres not much else Edana has pressed on, with 4 days til the elections, ideas should be flying all over the place, and debates happening about each persons manifesto... Overall, she is pretty experianced tho, and ill fully admit, does do an amazing job when it comes to the areas she is put in charge of, certainly much more a contender than Appleman.

moomoohead - Possibly one of the most odd names, which we could discuss til the cows come home, but hey... Youngest of all the candidates, however moo personally hasnt made alot of articles, which does make me all sad panda... however this being said, he is amazing when it comes to communicating via private messages, or adverts, ive honestly never seen someone, spend so much time mailing people! crazy guy! Moo has a full manifesto, with alot more coming in the next few days im sure, altho everyone wont agree with his ideas and suggestions, yay for congress, it does clearly show he is willing and able to put the effort into helping and fixing Ireland. So this kinda ticks boxes 2 and 3 in the what we need in a president!

Who does 5n4keyes support

Now, some would think this would be simple and easy, im IFP, I should back moo, however ill be 100% honest, none of the candidates running appeal to me as being a single great president, nobody really stands out. Yes, harsh to say, but I do think to myself, damn this will be a boring election.

That was until I began to think a little harder on who I would vote for, and I came to realise, A President is only ever as good, as the team they lead, a Presidents power, influence, and energy is what moves a country, and those who want the same. There for me, out of the three candidates only one person who has shown me this in the past, and yes... Its moo. Moo came from nowhere, litrally, but brought so much life, and energy to the IFP, he did an amazing job at getting people together, and getting people into the party, sure moo isnt perfect, however communication can easily be improved upon, however energy and enthusiasm, is hard to come by!

So come Jan 5th, 2010, stop and think, which candidate will give Ireland the energy it needs, and the team it needs to make us grow!

Vote Moomoohead!