On the attempted Impeachment of our elected Government

Day 3,050, 08:11 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Stevearino

I have been a big fan of our Constitutional system, but sadly its integrity is, it appears, being called into question by people who seem to be trying to use it to remove the Government for nothing more than their own amusement and to create a bit of excitement.

We have not to my knowledge had an Impeachment for a long time and you would expect an Impeachment to be based on some serious failing(s), such as attempting to steal the treasury, acting to undermine the nation or even disappearing for two weeks, etc.

Contrary to some claims that a CP should not be judged against the standards of his/her predecessors, I believe they absolutely should. It would be extraordinary to invent or start using standards now that were not adhered to or applied in previous months when one of your mates was CP.

I think we can all remember (or those of us that were around then can) the attempted Impeachment of Huey near the end of his first term by Wayne and his gang (including I would suspect some of the same people involved here) - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-huey-george-update-7-from-10-downing-street-october-2014-2461220/1/20

What was it that Wayne said?

"The impeachment would have come regardless of your and the eUK's performance..."

I think it is likely the same forces/reasoning is at work now.

To attempt to Impeach a CP for alleged minor misdemeanours when previous CP's have failed miserably, specifically Rathena's predecessor, smacks of pettiness, as some have already stated and the attitude of the people who are now calling so vehemently for impeachment gives the impression of a group in Congress that think - "oh well not much is happening, we've got nothing better to do over Easter - so let's impeach the CP for the sh*ts and giggles"

The actions of such people to my mind cast doubt on the integrity of the very processes they claim to be upholding and supporting.

The Constitutional system we have is now, to my mind, is in danger of being undermined.

Our future and to look to the positives - I would like to think I am wrong in my interpretation of recent events and that despite the vociferous arguing and the clear differences of opinion, we as a community can as we inevitably must, work together for the benefit of all. If we can improve our system and the way we do things following this, then from the ashes of this apparent fiasco we may as a nation emerge stronger for the future.

Yours, as ever


P.S. This needs comments from 25 different users