Join the Irish Freedom Party we have cookies!

Day 3,902, 03:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

First off well done to our members for the congress elections we had a 100% success rate. 7 people wanted to be in congress 7 players got elected to Congress.

THIS guy immediately joined and is now proudly eating some cookies

Joining us you will be part of THE best party in ireland.

Not because we are the biggest party but because

1. we actually carry eireland at heart.

2. we are serious about politics. under people like seanan the congress thread devolved into a circus. there are a place and a time to troll people or to kid around. unfortunately, currently, there is no cohesion or purpose to our congress.

4. we are not kingmakers although there are still people we support for the CP spot (wink wink).

5. we have great members and people you would get along with easily - there is no rusty , kattiaa , seanan in our midst. no whs as well.

so if you lost faith in your own party or are not certain about what party to try out. Join us!