Jbdivinus for President.

Day 684, 13:23 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

In my personal Opinion, we need someone who will lead eCanada down a new path.

We need a new start, a fresh out look. We need to adapt to the situation. Because Dylan/Jacobi was right, the times they are a changing.

Jbdivinus is the man for the job. The CNC & The CPF have officially endorsed him, and he has many supporters from DAL.

His Platform is very detailed, probably the best I have seen so far in my eLife. Most notably the Economic and Industrial side to his Platform.His cabinet is very ambitious, people from all over the political spectrum. All Classy Players, like resevoir Dogs Classy.

Prime Minister Jbdivinus
(d) Prime Minister Citizen B

Minister of State: Treian
Secretary Derek Harland
Media Director Karsten Skeries

Domestic Affairs TemujinBC
(d) Domestic Affairs Powerown
Social Services Sincostan1
(d) Social Services Alaricus
Immigration Dr.Pain
Education Booleus
(d) Education Sleddog
Heritage Anomie
(d) Heritage Cristine Roberge
healthcare Artorius Perim

Foreign affairs Duke Leto
(d) Foreign affairs Scrabman
EDEN/Brolliance Nea Milosu
Neutrals Jfstpierre

Security TaiwanPanda
CAF General CODA
Defence Disraeli
(d) Defence Banach
CSIS Director Marcchelala
Justice Goran Thrax
Auditor General Gaius Julius Caesar00
(d) Auditor General Cypher Rahl

Commerce Keldire
(d) Commerce Octavian_F
Industry Neil III
(d) Industry ScreamingSlave
Finance Ralph de Ver
(d) Finance Moffington

Office of Strategic Services Bruck

DAL: Koolmanjack
CPF: Schept
CS😨 Nosyt
CNC: Rainer N

I know most of the people above, and I know many of them are deserving of the positions offered. As for me, If JB is elected, I will do my best as debuty Minister of Social services, and Sincostan1 will have my full cooperation.

All in all, I think JB can get the job done. I think he can bring eCanada what it needs, Change.