Farewell, Dear Child

Day 939, 19:02 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

To lose something one cares for is one of the things that happens far too often in eRepublik. Many a friend has taken the long walk down Wellness Lane, to the graveyard of accounts. Nations, governments, alliances rise and fall. Nothing escapes from this cycle of birth, life, and death. Parties are no exception, even here in the eUS.

When I joined eRepublik and reached the appropriate level, I was easily drawn to the eRepublikans for Change (RfC) party. Eventually, they became the CvP, and I became active in the party. Back in those days DesertFalcon was the party president and carrying a lot of the work on his shoulders. I cared about my party. Eventually, after DF retired as party president, I helped run the party in a number of offices, most often as party vice-president. Months later, in November 2009, I became Party President. I served as party president for a number of months. I was responsible for changing the CvP into the DemReps. The party was my one true home. The members were great, and we had a lot of good times.

Then came the dark days. The day I retired as party president, the Huns stole my party. I was devestated. I'd spent over a year helping make that party and in 24 hrs it was lost to a PTO. To this day, I do not know where the ATO votes that should have saved us were. There are people I would love to question about it, but water under the bridge is just that.

In my moment of darkness, a ray of light shone through and reached me. My friend Max McFarland 2 came to me and told me of his idea: a new party. He'd gained control of the slowly-rotting AAP and wanted my help building a new party to revitalize eUS politics. I agreed. MM2 also brought the USWP along with him, as they agreed to join us in a new age for the nation.

Here we stand, just a few short months later. As a founding member of the APF, I'm very saddened to see it go to a TO. Two parties, two heart-breaking loses. It's not just a party. It's memories, friends, and a home. A place to belong in eRep. Once again, I've been cast into the cold and lonely land of the exile.

The new USWP made some overtures to me, and I was receptive to the idea. However, as time went by, things began to take on a different light. I was politely informed that if I wanted to work for the new USWP, I'd be given a job. I began to feel the cold shoulder of forced politeness being cast my way. I wasn't being taken seriously, and I wasn't being treated seriously.

Well, I know how to deal with that. The USWP didn't make the only offers to me. A lot of my friends talked with me and offered me a chance. I have nothing against the new USWP, I wish them the best of luck.

But, for those wondering why I'm going elsewhere, the answer is simple: the new USWP was treating my like a valuable asset. Others were treating me as a friend. I like to think I'm both, but that's not the point. I play eRep for fun. I do work for parties because I enjoy the companionship and want to see my friends succeed. The new USWP doesn't seem to feel the same way about some of the things I do, so I've decided to throw my hobo-sack over my shoulder and catch the next train out of town.

I'm a lonely hobo, riding the rails. I've been to Hoboken more than once this trip, passing through on my way to the next stop and catching another train to another town. I bid farewell to my beloved APF, as it follows my DemReps to the grave. Now I'm looking for a new home, and I've found it.

This hobo can finally get a real pair of shoes and join the party at this last stop: the TAMA party. I encourage any drifting DemReps and APF members looking for a home to join me. These people have class, style, and a great buffet! Just take the 3:30 east from OK City and get off on the last stop before the Atlanta railline.

I'll be there, the fat, scruffy looking hobo with the knapsack and the new shoes. I'll even save you a biscuit from breakfast. Maybe some cookies from last night's dinner if I don't eat them all.

Join the party; have some fun; grow fat and happy!