eIreland taxed at the max and still broke

Day 1,879, 06:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

With our recent IA funding cuts due to our struggling economy report I was curious to the root cause of our inability to get a heads above water. This made me want to look into our tax structure to see how competitive it is with other nations of similar size. Our current tax system is:

I looked to compare us based on our eNation rank (currently 49) to similiar nations for their tax system so compare😛 South Korea, Paraguay, Bolivia, Belarus, Belgium, Netherlands, Republic of Moldova and Estonia.

Here is how those nations compare

For Food:

For Weapons:

Summary for Food

Income Tax
Irelan😛 18%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 8%

Import Tax
Irelan😛 50%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 28%

Irelan😛 20%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 12%

Summary for Weapons

Income Tax
Irelan😛 18%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 8%

Import Tax
Irelan😛 50%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 22%

Irelan😛 10%
Average of 8 Comparative nations: 9%

Summary is that eIreland has higher taxes in every category than any other comparable nation.

Our raising taxes were supposed to be a short term solution to getting over money that has become missing but as recent cuts are showing it is not solving the issue and we really need to consider returning our tax structure to a more reasonable and competitive form to allow for capitalism to prosper.