Congratulations to OJ

Day 1,082, 11:23 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I would like to congratulate OJ on winning and wish him the best of luck. Thank you to the parties who supported me EPIC and EFTS along with voters from other parties. I would also like to thank all the people who voted for me and offered to be in my cabinet if I got elected. A big thanks goes to Octavious and the IUP for your late support. Thanks to Digits for offering to come out of retirement to be VP.

Why I lost

I lost because I got arrogant thinking I was the best canadite and did not have to do anything other then put out a manifesto to get elected. I did not contact any other parties asking for support or send one PM out asking for a vote. I did not place one advertisement. If I would of put in the work it could of been different. Same thing happened to my party last month with DT assuming we put up the better candite and he would get elected. Shame on me for repeating the same mistakes.


There were a lot of multi votes that were canceled in this election and I got more then the others. I have no knowledge of who was doing this. I am glad the votes got rejected. It happened at 2AM Irish time when I was in bed. There will be those who do not like me that will try to tie this to me to smear my name. Kind of ironic smearing a name like moomoohead, lol If they know who did it please present you evidence because i would like to know.

Offers were made to me to buy some people votes which I rejected. I was also offered the support of the ICA and told OJ would drop out of the race if I agreed to support the ICA finically. In addition there were DoD orders that went out that showed there support for OJ. All this does not matter, OJ won fair and square. Now it is time to support him and kick some British butt. Good luck OJ.

**A funny note on the election. Looking at the votes OJ got a lot more late votes then me, so I assume the yanks voted for him. Even though I live in Ireland in RL I am American, my own fellow countryman did not support me, lol.

Good luck to OJ and his team and congratulations on a well earned win.