What the hell happened!? (Presidential Elections Recap)

Day 1,082, 07:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Eliyah Duff

Man, this is terrifying me...

Yesterday, I went to my comp to see results of the elections and to put it on a Word document (I copy/paste the page)

This morning, after having collected all the results, I realized something really strange: the votes to moomoohead lowered between 5 o'clock and the official results. And it's not a little margin of votes; at 5 o'clock (morning), moo had 78 votes and OJ had 74. Then, today I looked out and... moo's votes lowered up to 61 votes and OJ's are at 77!

What the hell happened yesterday? A lag? Cheating? A hack?

Look at these graphics I did for the elections of yesterday:

On that graphic, you can see that moo was already leading at 18:30 o'clock, totalizing 39 votes, and OJ was following with 30 votes.

Then still, at 22 o'clock, moomoohead is leading with a comfortable lead on OJ, with 67 votes compared to 52.

At 23:30, the first abnormality occured; votes given to moo lowered to 62 and OJ's raised to 57!
But it's not all!

At 3 o'clock in the morning, moo had 78 votes and OJ had 71, a very fast rise for so late in the night.

Then at 5 o'clock, results haven't change much. So I decided to go sleep after a long long day.

But the best is to come!

After waking up this morning, I was... speechless. Moo's votes went down to 61 and OJ's went up to 77! So Orangejuicemmm won the elections but nobody's aware that there've been a huge collapse during the night. Since when the vote can go down like this?

Also look here for another proof: http://www.erep.cc/elections/president?d=201011&country=54

Moo would have win if this abnormality didn't occur, because moo already had 78 votes (1 more than OJ on the final results) and OJ had 74.

I really wanna know what happened. This is one of the most stupid bug i've saw since I play.

If you think like me,