Ambition the Key to Power and the Downfall of Men

Day 1,670, 20:08 Published in USA USA by DiabloGunner

Ambition is a weird thing... It is something that all great men had.
Its also what made men like Hitler become so evil.
So after my warning to you, I want you to know that ambition is the only way to move up and be one of the powerful men that lead this country.
Smartness without ambition will never get you anywhere. However if you are just a average Joe with a lot of ambition you can be powerful and rich.
You also need to be careful that your ambition doesn't hurt other people by using them, lying, cheating, and stealing from them, in other words Be Honest.

Get good friends and listen to them because you can be easily blinded by your own ambition. You can avoid many mistakes that will haunt you for the rest of your erepublik life if you listen to friends.
If you want to succeed in something go after it talk to people who can help you get there and if you work hard you will succeed.
Also be respectful to whom its due and treat people under you as equals I guarantee that you will never regret it. It will also help you a lot especially if you are in politics or economics.