[Results] National Performance Poll

Day 2,016, 08:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Stilpo

Hello again Ireland,

Below are the results of last week’s national performance poll, which from now on will independently measure and track the (public perception of) performance of every branch of the Irish government on a month-to-month basis. The purpose of this poll is not to single any individuals out for their positive or negative performance – although those who do a good job will certainly have bragging rights – but rather to encourage personal reflection and provide a little extra motivation for everyone to perform to the best of their ability no matter what role they play in our community.


First things first. Gold prizes were offered to participants of this poll, and gold was indeed delivered!

All Irish citizens who completed the poll were automatically entered to win gold prizes. Winners were determined by assigning each survey-taker a number based on the order they took the survey, and then generating random numbers in the same range via the random number generator at http://www.random.org/.

1-gold prize winners:
Raven Anarcho
Ian E Coleman

5-gold prize winner:

Congratulations to all of the winners!!!

Become a Sponsor!
For those who wish to sponsor the next survey by contributing their own gold for raffle prizes, please PM me (Stilpo) to make arrangements. You can either donate directly to me or, for those who really want to feel good about themselves, I can inform you of the winners after the next survey so you can make the donation yourself. In both cases you will also be listed publicly as a sponsor (minimum donation 1 gold).


Before you continue to the results of the poll it is very important to understand the makeup of those who took the poll. The number and diversity of survey-takers can have a significant effect on the validity and reliability of the results, as well the way in which specific results are interpreted.

As expected, this first month we had adequate but not stellar turnout, with 21 citizens of Ireland completing the poll. However, the responses we did get were very diverse, with 7 parties and 7 different MUs being represented. Importantly, the ILP was the most-represented party in this poll with 24% of all respondents. While not an overwhelming majority, this may have particularly important implications for the section in which the performance of individual congress members is rated.

The specific numbers, as well as a breakdown of participants’ experience level and activity are provided in the graphics below.


And now onto the most important part of the survey – the results!

Star scale: Unless otherwise specified (as in the individual congress member ratings), all performance evaluation judgments were made on a 5-star rating scale with 1/2-star increments.
5 stars = extremely satisfied
2.5 stars = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
0 stars = extremely dissatisfied

Note: For those of you who wish to view the free-response comments, or are interested in specific values and standard deviations, they are available to view in this automated report from the polling software company.

The Country

We will start with evaluations of the country as a whole. Below are the results of how survey-takers thought we were doing as a country overall this month, as well ratings as on 4 specific criteria (explained below). These criteria were based on the results of the brainstorming survey several weeks ago in which participants were asked to give the most important criterion by which the country should be judged as successful.

Criterion Key
International reputation: being respected by friends and enemies; having many friends, having an effective military force; being seen as loyal and honorable; contributing to alliances; feeling a sense of pride to be Irish; having an influence in world affairs

Independence & self-determination: having regions; being free of foreign influence; avoiding foreign PTO

Activity: being economically and socially productive, having fun, publishing many newspaper articles, having lively and constructive debates, accomplishing social goals

Unity: working together effectively as a society; minimizing internal divisions and personal feuds

The Country President

Next we will focus on the performance of our CP. Like the country, the CP was also rated both on overall performance as well as on four specific performance criteria that are essential to the CP’s job description (as interpreted from responses to the brainstorming survey).

Criterion Key
Leadership & effectiveness: bringing people together; inspiring activity and enthusiasm in ministers and community; organizing government effectively; being proactive; having clear priorities and goals; implementing pragmatic and effective strategies

Activity & reliability: effort; dedication; self-sacrifice; being consistently available to ministers and public; keeping up to date and being responsive to the latest world and community events

Communication & openness: keeping ministers, congress and public informed of government business; being open to new ideas; being diplomatic and civil; building relationships with world and community leaders

Integrity & honor: honesty, trustworthiness, honor, putting Ireland first

The Cabinet

Each head minister of the current administration was rated on their overall performance. Although specific criterion for good minister performance was collected in the brainstorming poll, in the interest of our survey-takers’ time only overall performance was measured in this poll.


Just as with the cabinet, only overall performance of the congress was measured. Responses in the brainstorming poll were too inconsistent to justify common criterion.

In addition to overall performance, the performance of every individual congress member was measured. Only those survey-takers who were members of congress or worked closely with congress this term were encouraged to complete this section of the poll.

Note: Unlike the other ratings, this rating is on a 0-4 scale (not 0-5). This means that 2.0 (not 2.5) is the midpoint of performance ratings.

Very important: When interpreting these results, it is extremely important to keep in mind that results may be affected by the specific make-up of those who took the survey. As stated earlier, some parties were more represented in this survey than others. Being human as we are, this can potentially bias the performance ratings of fellow congress members in the same or rival parties. However, negative ratings were asked to be justified by selecting specific reasons, which have been included for the readers’ consideration.

Specific reasons for negative ratings:

Note: The number of raters who corroborated an accusation of misconduct is noted in the parentheses after a name (e.g. x2 or x3). If there is no parentheses after a name, it means that only one rater accused that individual of misconduct in that area. The more times an accusation is corroborated, the more likely an accusation is to have merit. In either case, please take these results with a grain of salt.

Unconstructive or uncivil conduct:
MR. HANK SCORPIO (X3), Marcus Suridius (X3), Yddub Emwolb, Liam Costello, ian Arbuckle

Rogue law proposals:
MR. HANK SCORPIO (x3), Cry of the Banshee, The Death of Rats, Marcus Suridius

Rogue CS granting:

Gabriel Melo de Menezes (x3), Yddub Emwolb (x2), Uljanov, EmFaMe, Tenebris Lupus, egomaster, R3tro Contractor

Resigned early:
Gabriel Melo de Menezes (x3)

Best CP of all time contest (part 1 – preliminaries)

In the bonus section of this poll, survey-takers were given the opportunity to rank CPs in order from best to worst for each year throughout eIreland’s entire history (as far back as they were active). Below are the aggregated results of these rankings.

In the next performance poll, we will pit the best CPs of each year against each other to determine the best cp of all time!

2013 (so far) (17 responses)
#1 Brian Boru
#2 MUFC992
#3 MikeBane
#4 sir Adriano prette

2012 (16 responses)
#1 Winston Hope Smith
#2 MUFC992
#3 irishbhoy1967
#4 Columbia
#5 Rikian 1776
#6 ChewChewShoe
#8 Thanatos the Magnificent
#9 Ronisu

2011 (13 responses)
#1 Sweet Drinker
#2 Seanan
#3 Bhane
#4 05637716 (a.k.a. Digits)
#5 CelticTiger221
#5 Irasian (tied w/CT)
#7 Irish_Rebel_Reborn
#8 Marcus Suridius
#9 John Gormley
#10 Ariovistus
#11 Patrick O’Leary
#12 Chance Harrison

2010 (7 responses)
#1 Dubhthaigh
#2 Patton
#3 Edana Savage
#4 Nogin the nog
#5 moomoohead
#6 5n4keyes
#7 irishbhoy1967
#8 Connell Rath
#9 John Gormley
#10 Orangejuicemmm

2009 (6 responses)
#1 Nithraldur
#2 Patton
#3 AppleMan
#4 Theus Jackus
#5 Aran Tal
#6 Top Gun
#7 Starks Hayter
#8 Inquitus

2008 (2 responses)
This year was a tie
#1 5n4keyes
#1 Michael Collins

Well, that’s all folks. Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions on how to improve this survey, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me a PM.


P.S. If you liked this article, don't keep it to yourself!

Previous surveys:
1st Survey: Personal traits that are the most important to consider when assigning priorities to congressional candidates.
2nd Survey: Specific policy views on various foreign and domestic issues.
3rd Survey: Roles and responsibilities of different branches of government and private organizations.
Saoirse party performance evaluation survey: Includes results and analysis.