[High Times] Analysis of The Future!

Day 3,158, 19:20 Published in United Kingdom USA by Charlie Silverhand

Did you hear about the PM's awards? Do you like cash? Then why aren't you taking part!

But one topic grabbed me more than anything. The analyitic stuffs. Yes, I have always been one to be very good with all numbers and things with squigly lines going up or down, what are they called? Graphs! Yes them things. Especially when I try and get a higher perspective on things.

So I grabbed my thinking 'incense' and burned it. Allowing my mind to breeze through the complex algorithm's pertaining to this games beautifully dark future. The incense made it look beautiful ofcourse.

And after countless hours of algorithming and countless stacks of incense being burned - I have the answer! WITH A GRAPH!

Interest doesnt seem to have a changing trend. On a positive note, if you look at it upside down, it is much more promising!

As you can see, the future looks as bad as my grannie's hairline. (it's bad. Trust me).

I would like to close out this analysis by concluding we are all screwed.
Oh and Apples, gib me monies now!

Senhor Charles 'Carlos' Moncrieff