[Guardians of United Kingdom] A Stronger Nation

Day 1,887, 22:18 Published in United Kingdom Sweden by Master Lobban Le Rub Klitoris

The Guardians of United Kingdom desire a stronger emphasis on dispensing our military resources more effectively to those who need it.

Our party wants people to enjoy this game, and for most citizens,this requires to be supplied with weapons and food so that they never have to fight barehanded/food-fights. More money should go towards supplying the MU's, who in turn should be either building on their infrastructure to become more self-sufficient or better supplying their members.

When eUK is in vital battles we should continue with the supplies on IRC but they should be occurring with increased frequency and the government should be making these supplies available for those players that have trouble getting onto the IRC channel and so request supplies through an in-game system.

The Guardians of United Kingdom wants to get leadership into power that does not get taken in so easily by false promise by other countries. Our party wants leadership that knows how to properly execute a war from start to finish so that eUK gains production bonus while also keeping are country free from invaders (which it currently is not).

check out the Guardians full platform here http://gouk.forum-invision.co.uk/t2-guardians-of-the-united-kingdom

or check out our party page http://gouk.forum-invision.co.uk/t2-guardians-of-the-united-kingdom

If you agree that eUK should have a government more focused on the MU's/supplying and helping of players then you should consider joining us. Also if your looking for leadership roles within a party then this could be the party to join!

Glory and Honour to the United Kingodm!

now lets liberate our regions

p.s. for those who think I'm not here for eUK. I have fought for our country ever since I got citizenship here and I will continue to fight for the UK